Delete multiple Profile Extension Recipients



Delete multiple Profile Extension Table (PET) recipient records


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Body ()
Request body
Root Schema : Delete List Recipients
Type: object
Title: Delete List Recipients
Show Source
  • ids
    Array of values corresponding to the queryAttribute.
  • Query attribute can be either r (RIID_), e( EMAIL_ADDRESS_), m (MOBILE_NUMBER_), or c (CUSTOMER_ID_). The corresponding value passed must match what is in the parent Profile List.
Nested Schema : ids
Type: array
Array of values corresponding to the queryAttribute.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Field values for the recipient in the Profile List, used to locate records to delete.
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Profile Extension Recipients
Type: object
Title: Profile Extension Recipients
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  • Specifies whether a recipient record should be inserted into the Profile Extension if it does not already exist. Only used during the merge operation.
    The first column name to be used to match the recipient record to the Profile Extension records. Only used during the merge operation.
    Second match column for determining whether an insert or update should occur. (optional).
  • recordData
    Record data that represents field names and corresponding values for the recipient.
  • Allowed Values: [ "REPLACE_ALL", "NO_UPDATE" ]
    Specifies whether a recipient record should be updated in the Profile Extension if it already exists. Only used during the merge operation.
Nested Schema : recordData
Type: object
Record data that represents field names and corresponding values for the recipient.
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Nested Schema : fieldNames
Type: array
Field names of the Profile List. Must contain contain at least one of the merge key fields from the Profile List.
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Nested Schema : records
Type: array
Array of values corresponding to the fieldNames. Each element in the array represents a single recipient.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Field values for the recipient in the Profile List
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Your client application can delete multiple profile extension table (PET) records in a single batch request by using the query attribute action=delete and by passing a list of IDs.

  • For this request to work, your endpoint must include the query attribute action=delete.
  • Note that the request method for this API is POST, because you pass the query attribute and the IDs to delete in the request body.
  • The service URL requires the names of both the Profile List and the Profile Extension Table.
  • You can pass up to 200 IDs in the request, and each ID must be 500 characters or fewer.
  • Values passed in the ids array must correspond to the query attribute. For example, if you specify c for your queryAttribute, the system expects the ids array to contain the customer ID values for the records you want to delete.
  • For queryAttribute, all query attributes correspond to the PET's parent profile list fields. The system uses the query attribute to look up the profile list record, and then deletes the corresponding PET record.

A successful request requires the following headers:

Authorization <AUTH_TOKEN>
Content-Type application/json

Sample Request

When Responsys receives the following sample endpoint and request, the system will attempt to delete records from the profile extension table MyExamplePET that correspond to records in the profile list MyExampleProfileList.
  1. Because the query attribute is r and the IDs are 63036487 and 63027514, the system searches MyExampleProfileList for those RIIDs.
  2. Next, the system locates the MyExamplePET records associated with the profile list records that it located.
  3. Finally, the system deletes the PET records that it found.
Sample request endpoint:
POST /rest/api/v1.3/lists/MyExampleProfileList/listExtensions/MyExamplePET/members?action=delete

Sample request body:
  "queryAttribute" : "r",
  "ids" : ["63036487", "63027514"] 
  • When the system successfully deletes records for a given ID (up to 10 records), then the ID is returned in the response.
  • In a successful delete, the system deletes matching records for a given ID, up to the maximum of 10 records. If the system finds more than 10 records matching an ID, then the system will delete only the 10 most recent records. To ensure that all records associated with a given ID are deleted, re-run the request until all of the requested IDs return a DELETEFAILED: No records found message in the response.
  • Other attributes in the response like mapTemplateName and mergeRule will have default values of null/false.

Sample Response: Success

The following response shows that the delete succeeded for records with RIID values of 63036487 and 63027514.
HTTPS response status code: 200 OK
    {"fieldNames": ["RIID_"],
    "records": [ 
    "mapTemplateName": null },

    {"textValue": null, 
     "htmlValue": null, 
     "optinValue": null, 
     "insertOnNoMatch": false, 
     "updateOnMatch": null, 
     "matchColumnName1": null, 
     "matchColumnName2": null, 
     "matchOperator": null, 
     "optoutValue": null, 
     "rejectRecordIfChannelEmpty": null, 
     "defaultPermissionStatus": null, 
     "matchColumnName3": null },

  "links": [
    { "rel": "self",
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/lists/MyExampleProfileList/listExtensions/MyExamplePET/members?action=delete",
      "method": "POST" },
    { "rel": "mergeProfileExtensionRecipients", 
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/lists/MyExampleProfileList/listExtensions/MyExamplePET/members",
      "method": "POST" },
    { "rel": "retrieveProfileExtensionRecipients", 
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/lists/MyExampleProfileList/listExtensions/MyExamplePET/members", 
      "method": "GET" }

Troubleshooting error responses

Individual list member errors when the HTTPS response is 200 OK: When the system has successfully received a request to delete multiple list members, it will return a successful HTTPS status code of 200 OK. However, the batch delete might have mixed results. The response payload contains an array of messages about the success or failure for each individual member. Some examples of DELETEFAILED messages:
  • When the system could not find any records corresponding to the ID, it returns an error message of DELETEFAILED: No Records found.
  • When an invalid value is sent for the ID, the system returns a DELETEFAILED error for that ID. For example, if test is sent as one of the values in the ids array when the queryAttribute is r, then the system returns the following message for that ID: DELETEFAILED: ERROR: The value test is not valid for an integer field\n\n.
Record limit exceeded: The 200-record limit is exceeded (that is, more than 200 query ID values are sent). A 400 bad request error is returned with the following error response body.
    { "type": "",
      "title": "Record limit exceeded",
      "errorCode": "RECORD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED",
      "detail": "Record limit exceeded, maximum of 200 records are allowed per each api call",
      "errorDetails": [] }
Invalid parameter: The queryAttribute value is not valid. A 400 bad request error is returned with the following error response body:
	{ "type": "",
      "title": "Invalid request parameters", 
      "errorCode": "INVALID_PARAMETER",
      "detail": "Query Attribute Must be either r, e, c or m",
      "errorDetails": [] }
API limit exceed: When the client application exceeds the throttling limit for this API, a 401 Unauthorized error is returned with the following error response body:
	{ "type": "",
      "title": "",
      "errorCode": "API_LIMIT_EXCEEDED",
      "detail": "",
      "errorDetails": [] }
List not found: The system could not find the Profile List specified in the request endpoint. A 404 not found error is returned with the following error response body:
	{ "type": "",
      "title": "List not found",
      "errorCode": "LIST_NOT_FOUND",
      "detail": " MyOtherExampleProfileList List Not Found",
      "errorDetails": [] } 
PET not found: The system could not find the PET specified in the request endpoint. A 404 not found error is returned with the following error response body:
	{ "type": "",
       "title": "Profile list extension not found",
       "errorCode": "PROFILE_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND",
       "detail": " MyOtherExamplePET Profile Extension Not Found",
       "errorDetails": [] } 
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