Merge List Recipients




Path Parameters
Body ()
Request Body
Root Schema : Profile List Recipients
Type: object
Title: Profile List Recipients
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Nested Schema : mergeRule
Type: object
Merge rule used to merge recipient records in a Profile List. Only used during the merge operation.
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  • Allowed Values: [ "OPTIN", "OPTOUT" ]
    This value must be specified as either OPTIN or OPTOUT and would be applied to all of the records contained in the API call. If this value is not explicitly specified, then it is set to OPTOUT.
  • Value of incoming preferred email format data. For example, 'H' may represent a preference for HTML formatted email.
  • Indicates what should be done for records where a match is not found (true = insert / false = no insert).
    First match column for determining whether an insert or update should occur.
    Second match column for determining whether an insert or update should occur. (optional).
  • Allowed Values: [ "NONE", "AND" ]
    Operator to join match column names
  • Value of incoming opt-in status data that represents an opt-in status. For example, 'I' may represent an opt-in status.
  • Value of incoming opt-out status data that represents an optout status. For example, '0' may represent an opt-out status.
  • String containing comma-separated channel codes that if specified will result in record rejection when the channel address field is null. Channel codes are 'E' (Email), 'M' (Mobile), 'P' (Postal Code). For example 'E,M' would indicate that a record that has a null for Email or Mobile Number value should be rejected. This parameter can also be set to null or to an empty string, which will cause the validation to not be performed for any channel, except if the matchColumnName1 parameter is set to EMAIL_ADDRESS_ or MOBILE_NUMBER_. When matchColumnName1 is set to EMAIL_ADDRESS_ or MOBILE_NUMBER_, then the null or empty string setting is effectively ignored for that channel.
  • Value of incoming preferred email format data. For example, 'T' may represent a preference for Text formatted email.
  • Allowed Values: [ "REPLACE_ALL", "NO_UPDATE" ]
    Controls how the existing record should be updated.
Nested Schema : recordData
Type: object
Record data that represents Field Names and corresponding values for the recipient.
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Nested Schema : fieldNames
Type: array
Field Names in the Profile List
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Nested Schema : records
Type: array
Array of values corresponding to the fieldNames. Each element in the array represents a single recipient.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Field Values for the recipient in the Profile List
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Profile List Recipients
Type: object
Title: Profile List Recipients
Show Source
Nested Schema : mergeRule
Type: object
Merge rule used to merge recipient records in a Profile List. Only used during the merge operation.
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  • Allowed Values: [ "OPTIN", "OPTOUT" ]
    This value must be specified as either OPTIN or OPTOUT and would be applied to all of the records contained in the API call. If this value is not explicitly specified, then it is set to OPTOUT.
  • Value of incoming preferred email format data. For example, 'H' may represent a preference for HTML formatted email.
  • Indicates what should be done for records where a match is not found (true = insert / false = no insert).
    First match column for determining whether an insert or update should occur.
    Second match column for determining whether an insert or update should occur. (optional).
  • Allowed Values: [ "NONE", "AND" ]
    Operator to join match column names
  • Value of incoming opt-in status data that represents an opt-in status. For example, 'I' may represent an opt-in status.
  • Value of incoming opt-out status data that represents an optout status. For example, '0' may represent an opt-out status.
  • String containing comma-separated channel codes that if specified will result in record rejection when the channel address field is null. Channel codes are 'E' (Email), 'M' (Mobile), 'P' (Postal Code). For example 'E,M' would indicate that a record that has a null for Email or Mobile Number value should be rejected. This parameter can also be set to null or to an empty string, which will cause the validation to not be performed for any channel, except if the matchColumnName1 parameter is set to EMAIL_ADDRESS_ or MOBILE_NUMBER_. When matchColumnName1 is set to EMAIL_ADDRESS_ or MOBILE_NUMBER_, then the null or empty string setting is effectively ignored for that channel.
  • Value of incoming preferred email format data. For example, 'T' may represent a preference for Text formatted email.
  • Allowed Values: [ "REPLACE_ALL", "NO_UPDATE" ]
    Controls how the existing record should be updated.
Nested Schema : recordData
Type: object
Record data that represents Field Names and corresponding values for the recipient.
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Nested Schema : fieldNames
Type: array
Field Names in the Profile List
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Nested Schema : records
Type: array
Array of values corresponding to the fieldNames. Each element in the array represents a single recipient.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Field Values for the recipient in the Profile List
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New members can be added to an existing profile list and existing members in a profile list can be updated. For a given list in a specific folder, an array of record data that contain field names and their corresponding field values are specified. Up to 200 members can be handled per a single request.

Authorization <AUTH_TOKEN>
Content-Type application/json

Sample Request

Request Notes:
  • The matchColumnName attributes can have the following possible values:
  • Limitations for matchColumnName attributes:

    A combination of either of the HASH_ keys or a combination of EMAIL_ADDRESS_ with either of the HASH_ keys cannot be given as matchColumnNames at the same time.

    When either of the HASH_ keys exists as a match column, then only updates are possible, thus the corresponding value in insertOnNoMatch should be set to false when using these columns as matchColumnNames.

  "recordData": {
    "fieldNames": [
    "records": [
    "mapTemplateName": null
  "mergeRule": {
    "htmlValue": "H",
    "optinValue": "I",
    "textValue": "T",
    "insertOnNoMatch": true,
    "updateOnMatch": "REPLACE_ALL",
    "matchColumnName1": "RIID_",
    "matchColumnName2": null,
    "matchOperator": "NONE",
    "optoutValue": "O",
    "rejectRecordIfChannelEmpty": null,
    "defaultPermissionStatus": "OPTIN"

Sample Response: Success

Response Notes:
  • Irrespective of what field names were used to perform the merge, the response will always contain only RIID_ in the fieldNames attribute and the corresponding RIID_ values for the records in the records attribute.
  • In case merge failed for a record, the RIID_ of the record is not present in the response. Instead, an error message starting with MERGEFAILED: is returned. Client developers can look for the string MERGEFAILED: in the response for a particular row to determine whether that recipient was merged successfully or not.
  • The order of records in the response matches the order of records specified in the request payload. Furthermore, other attributes in the response, such as like mapTemplateName and mergeRule, will mirror the valid values specified in the request payload or default to null/false in case of invalid values.
  "recordData": {
    "fieldNames": [
    "records": [
        "MERGEFAILED: Record 3 = INVALID_PARAMETER: The value ssdcf is not valid for an integer field\n\n\r\n"
    "mapTemplateName": null
  "mergeRule": {
    "textValue": "T",
    "insertOnNoMatch": true,
    "updateOnMatch": "REPLACE_ALL",
    "matchOperator": "NONE",
    "matchColumnName3": null,
    "matchColumnName1": "RIID_",
    "matchColumnName2": null,
    "optinValue": "I",
    "optoutValue": "O",
    "rejectRecordIfChannelEmpty": null,
    "htmlValue": "H",
    "defaultPermissionStatus": "OPTIN"
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/lists/DemoNewsLetterList/members",
      "method": "POST"
      "rel": "retrieveListRecipientsRIID",
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/lists/DemoNewsLetterList/members/<riid>, "method": "GET" } ] }

Sample Response: Failure

  "type": "",
  "title": "Invalid request parameters",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_PARAMETER",
  "detail": "matchColumnName1 in ListMergeRule is null or empty",
  "errorDetails": [
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