Editing user information

Use this page to edit a user's information.

  • Email address: The user's email address.
  • User display name: The name to display in the upper right of the Oracle CX Audience.
  • Role: Use this option to grant the user administrative privileges. Every user that needs administrative privileges should be set up as an Account Administrator. We strongly discourage sharing administrative logins between users.

    Note: You should always ensure that the specified email address for the Account Administrator is current, because we send all password reset messages to that address.

    Note: To revoke administrative privileges of the user who was designated as an Account Administrator when the account was created, please contact Oracle Support.

  • Status: Select either Active or Suspended.
  • Language: Select the preferred language for the user.
  • User authentication: Select if the user needs to authenticate by password only, by certificate only, or by either password or certificate.
  • User certification: This feature is not available to all accounts. Please contact Oracle Support for more information.
  • Download Responsys Interact certificate