Merge data into a custom table

The Merge action offers an alternative way to modify a custom table: adding, modifying, or deleting records based on the records in another data source; deleting records with duplicate information in a specified field; or deleting records based on conditions you specify.

Note: Your changes cannot be rolled back, but the Merge wizard offers several options for controlling which records will be modified.

Select data source

  1. Select the existing data source or upload the external file that contains the data you want to use in updating the custom table from which you started the Merge action.
  2. Click Next to continue.

Warning: Make sure you also select the correct radio button.

Confirm the characteristics of the source file

If you have uploaded the source file, confirm the data shown.

  1. Select the character (typically a tab or comma) that separates the fields.
  2. Specify whether text columns are enclosed in single or double quotation marks.
  3. Specify whether the first line contains column names, or the file starts with a data record.
  4. Click Next to continue.

Map the data source fields to fields in the custom table

  1. For each incoming field, select the corresponding field from the custom table.
  2. Click Next.

Specify how you want to match the records

After you have mapped the fields between the incoming file and the custom table, you must choose how you want to match records to existing records.

Then you determine how to handle any matched records:

  • If the table has a primary key defined, you can match new records to existing records using the table's primary key, or select another field. You can select email address, customer ID or some other identifier from the drop-down list.
  • If there’s a match, you can overwrite all fields in an existing record or you can choose not to update it.
  • If there’s not a match, you can import the new record or choose not to import it.

Warning: There is no confirmation page for Merge. Clicking Next on this page will cause the merge to occur, and there is no way to revert this action.

Learn more

Working with data

Creating custom tables