Create and manage publish templates

Use the Manage Publish Templates page to create and manage publish templates. In CX Audience, publish templates enable you to pre-define a list of attributes to use in audience publishing. Publish templates can include up to 25 columns. You can select columns from the following: 

  • The customer data list selected for the publish template.

  • Profile extension tables (PETs) associated with the customer data list.

  • Filters associated with the customer data list.

When a user selects a publish template to be used when publishing an audience to Responsys, its attributes are included in the export, along with the RIID.

To open the Manage Publish Templates page:

  1. Click A screenshot of the navigation menu icon.
  2. Select Manage Publish Templates from the Audiences menu.


    Screenshot illustrating how to access the Manage Publish Templates page. From the navigation menu, select Audiences, and then select Manage Publish Templates.

    The Manage Publish Templates page is displayed.

Screenshot of the Manage Publish Templates page. There is a text legend in the topic itself that describes the features of the page.

About the Manage Publish Templates page:

  1. Click the Create New button to create a new publish template. See Creating and editing publish templates for more details.
  2. Use the Search Templates field to search for templates, or you can use the List drop-down list to show templates associated with a particular customer data list (choose All Lists to remove this filter).
  3. Each row in the page shows a publish template and the list from which attributes are selected.
  4. Click View details to show the selected columns for the publish template. The columns are organized by categories: The customer data list, PETs, and filters.
  5. Click Screen shot of the More Options icon to show more actions. You can edit, copy, or delete a publish template.
    • Edit opens the Edit Publish Template dialog, where you can modify the columns selected or change the template's name. See Creating and editing publish templates for more details.
    • Copy enables you to save a copy of your publish template using a different name. If you want to make changes to the copy, you must edit it.
    • Delete displays a confirmation dialog; click Delete again to complete the action. Note that deleting publish template cannot be reverted.

Creating and editing publish templates

When you create or edit a publish template, you can name the publish template, choose a customer data list to associate with the template, and then select up to 25 columns that come from the customer data list, the associated PETs, or the associated filters.

Important: For compliance and security reasons, CX Audience does not include email address and mobile number when an audience is published to an SFTP location.

To create a publish template:

  1. Click the Create New button.
  2. An image of the create template button

  3. On the Create New Publish Template dialog, enter the Name and choose a customer data list from the Profile List drop-down list.
  4. An image of the create publish template dialog window

  5. Click Next. The Create New Publish Template dialog expands to show the columns (also known as fields) in the list, as well as associated profile extension tables and filters.
  6. An image of the selected columns dialog window

  7. Select up to 25 columns. After selecting a column, it will display in the Selected Columns section. The system will stop selecting columns if you choose more than 25.
    • Click the List, Profile Extensions, or Filters tab and use the Search Columns field to search for fields.
    • On the List tab, select fields from the customer data list.
    • Click the Profile Extensions tab to show all PETs associated with the list. Click the arrow next to a PET to show its fields.
    • Click the Filters tab to show all filters associated with the list. Click a filter name to select it.
  8. Modify your field selections as needed.
    • An image showing how to modify selected columns

    • Click field names under the List , Profile Extensions, and Filters tabs to add and remove them.
    • Click X in the Selected Columns section to remove a field.
  9. Click Save to save your edits, or Cancel to close the dialog without saving the publish template.

To edit a publish template:

  1. Locate the template you want to edit, click Screen shot of the More Options icon and then select Edit. The publish template opens in the Edit Publish Template dialog.
  2. An image of the edit option for a publish template

  3. Optionally, you can rename your publish template. Type a new name in the Name field.
  4. An image of the name field for a publish template

  5. Modify your column selections as needed. You can have up to 25 columns in your publish template.
  6. An image showing the selected columns for the publish template

    • Click the List, Profile Extensions, or Filters tab and use the Search Columns field to search for fields.
    • Click field names under the List , Profile Extensions, and Filters tabs to add and remove them.
    • Click X in the Selected Columns section to remove a field.
  7. Click Save to save your edits, or Cancel to close the dialog without saving your changes.

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