Uploading data source records

In this step, you map fields from the file you're uploading to columns in the table. Mapping fields specifies which field corresponds to which column.

You can also save your mappings to a template, then re-use that template as the basis for future uploads.

Note: The source field in the template and the target column must have the same name and compatible data types so that data is correctly converted from source to target.

If you no not want to map a field, select skip this field from the dropdown list of the field.

To create a mapping template:

  1. Create your mappings and click Save to Mapping Template.

    The Save Mapping Template page opens.

  2. In the Name field, type the name for the template.

    Template names cannot be longer than 100 characters and can include only the following characters: A-Z a-z 0-9 space ! - = @ _ [ ] { }

  3. Click Save.

To use a mapping template for an upload:

  1. Click Load Mapping Template.

    The Load Mapping Template page opens.

  2. In the Mapping Templates list, click the name of the template you want to use.

    The Selected Template section shows the mappings and any issues that need to be resolved.

  3. To make any changes to the mapping template or resolve issues, click Edit and make your changes, then click Save.

    Note: Any changes you make apply to the mapping template as well as to the current upload.

  4. Click Select Mapping.

    The mapping template is applied to the upload.

Click Upload to append the records in the uploaded file to the existing data source.