Develop an Oracle Eloqua app menu service

The menus service is all about context. With menus, you can build an App that enables a marketer to launch an externally-hosted application from within Eloqua via a menu dock. This menu dock floats on the right side of the screen in the Eloqua's Campaign Canvas or the asset editor screens. When a marketer clicks on your menu app, Eloqua calls out to your service via the action URL, passing along context-specific data to your app.

Suppose AwesomeApp has a menu service. When a marketing user clicks on AwesomeApp, they are directed to the callout URL: The call can include contextual information for your app to use. Available attributes include:

  • siteId and siteName: these describe the Eloqua "site", generally the company or organization of the user
  • userId and userName: the Eloqua username and id for the user who selected the menu service
  • userCulture: the linguistic profile of the user. Eloqua uses Microsoft’s CultureInfo class to define culture. For example, for English (United States), the code is en-US; for French (Canada), fr-CA
  • assetId and assetName: the ID and name of the asset that the user was viewing when they opened the menu
  • assetType: the type of asset, that the user was viewing when they opened the menu. Assets include account, campaign, contact, landing page, template, and so on.

The actual call to AwesomeApp would then resemble:


Eloqua signs all outgoing calls with OAuth 1.0a so the receiving system can validate that the call was sent by Eloqua. Refer to the OAuth 1.0a spec or OAuth 1.0 RFC for more information.

Learn more

Service descriptions

Service level URL template parameters

App developer reference