PUT /api/cloud/1.0/actions/instances/{id}

Updates an action service instance.

Warning: For PUT requests, you must specify application/json in the Content-Type header. If the Content-Type header is not included, data persisted in Eloqua will be corrupted, resulting in your App not functioning correctly.

URL parameters

name type description
id GUID Unique identifier for that service instance

Request Body

name type description
requiresConfiguration boolean

requiresConfiguration is an optional Boolean parameter which tells Eloqua whether user configuration is required before the app can be used. If set to true, users will be unable to activate a campaign or program containing the unconfigured app service instance. Eloqua will display an error message.

recordDefinition Dictionary of strings Defines the mapping between your fields and Eloqua's fields


Update the record definition and configuration setting of the action service instance with GUID 7b95fe48-6598-43e8-8fd1-dcb40cf83ef6:

PUT /api/cloud/1.0/actions/instances/7b95fe48-6598-43e8-8fd1-dcb40cf83ef6
    "recordDefinition": {
        "ContactID": "{{Contact.Id}}",
        "EmailAddress": "{{Contact.Field(C_EmailAddress)}}"
    "requiresConfiguration": true

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