PUT /api/cloud/1.0/apps/{id}/configurations

Updates an Oracle Eloqua app App configuration.

Warning: changes to the configuration file directly affect the app. Accidentally changing the enableUrl, for example, will result in people being unable to install your app. Ensure that any changes you push out are intentional.

URL parameters

name type description
id GUID The AppId of the app configuration you are updating

Request Body

name type description
requiresConfiguration boolean

requiresConfiguration is an optional Boolean parameter which tells Eloqua whether user configuration is required before the app can be used. If set to true, users will be unable to activate a campaign or program containing the unconfigured app service instance. Eloqua will display an error message.

uri URI specific URI that describes the app
clientSecret token Eloqua-generated OAuth token
name string name of the app
description string description of the app
shortDescription string a brief description of the app
iconUrl URL URL pointing to the icon that Eloqua should display for the app
enableUrl templated URL URL called when the App is first installed or when it is reconfigured
statusUrl templated URL URL called when a user checks the app’s status
callbackUrl templated URL URL that the users should be redirected to after installing an app
makeAvailableUrl URL Eloqua-generated URL used to add the app to a user's catalogue
publishedSites dictionary of strings lists the sites where the app is installed
status string Describes the status of the App - either "Up", "Down", or "Maintenance".


Example: Set the status for the App with GUID 7b95fe48-6598-43e8-8fd1-dcb40cf83ef6 to Down.
PUT /api/cloud/1.0/apps/7b95fe48-6598-43e8-8fd1-dcb40cf83ef6/configurations
"uri": "/apps/a0f6779e-8263-4bfb-a292-9714cd10d1e7/configurations",
"clientSecret": "a1ba63f9aae1cc84d91544f15b0af27ab6ced4e42c6145b9cc0425742ecf2a0da1ba63f9aae1cc84d91544f15b0af27ab6ce",
"name": "Call Example",
"description": "This is a test",
"shortDescription": "This is a test",
"iconUrl": "https://www.example.com/logo.png",
"enableUrl": "http://example.com/enable/{appId}/{installId}/{userName}/{siteName}/{siteId}",
"statusUrl": "http://example.com/status/{installId}",
"callbackUrl": "http://example.com/callback/{installId}",
"makeAvailableUrl": "https://example.com",
"publishedSites": [
"status": "Down"

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