Reporting API FAQ

Does the reporting API respect Label-Based Access Control (LBAC)?

Yes, LBAC is applied to the reporting API; ensuring that the data returned is based on the user’s authentication and query privileges.

Is there reporting API available on all trims?

Yes, the reporting API is available on all trims.

How do I get access to the reporting API?

To access the reporting API, you'll need a user account with an assigned Analyzer license.

What time zone is used in the reporting API?

Unless specified otherwise, the timezone offset of '-4:00' denotes Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) for this timestamp.

What is the difference between EloquaLinkedAccountID and Account ID?

You can link contacts to accounts by a specific contact field, this relationship is configured using Account Linkage. The eloquaLinkedAccountID property reflects the account ID associated with the contact, as determined by rule set up in the account linkage. The accountId uses the contacts company field to simulate an account to contact linkage to support Fusion Marketing integrations and account level reporting.

Why does my campaign startdate show as 1900-01- 01T00:00:00- 05:00

A start date of 1900-01- 01T00:00:00- 05:00 indicates that there is no start date.

(Mac user) Why don’t I see the ODATA connection available in Excel?

Mac users need to ensure they are on version Microsoft Excel version 16.9+.

Does the reporting API provide endpoints for all subject areas?

Not all subject areas will be launched and supported by the reporting API. Given the extensive range of metrics and attributes within Insight's subject areas, achieving complete parity with the reporting API will take time. We anticipate it will require a couple of releases to fully develop the API.

Can you create import definitions?

No, at this time only GET commands are supported.

When I accumulate activities exported via the Bulk API and compare with results pulled from the reporting API they do not match. Why wouldn't they match?

It is likely you will have a difference in the Eloqua reporting API and Bulk API; the reporting API will contain metrics and activities on deleted contacts.

Learn more

Getting started with the reporting API