Eloqua status codes

In addition to the standard HTTP status codes, Eloqua includes specific status codes to help inform you when performing operations with their APIs. Each status code has a number, as well as a human-readable message.

Status Code Message Notes
ELQ-00001 Total records processed.  
ELQ-00002 Invalid email addresses.  
ELQ-00003 Total records remaining after duplicates are rejected.  
ELQ-00004 Contacts created.  
ELQ-00005 Accounts created.  
ELQ-00007 CustomObject data created.  
ELQ-00011 Duplicate email addresses.  
ELQ-00012 CustomObject data updated.  
ELQ-00013 Contacts deleted.  
ELQ-00014 Accounts deleted.  
ELQ-00016 Contacts email marked as bounced.  
ELQ-00017 Contacts email marked as unsubscribed.  
ELQ-00022 Contacts updated.  
ELQ-00023 Accounts updated.  
ELQ-00025 CustomObject data linked.  
ELQ-00026 Duplicate identifier.  
ELQ-00032 Malformed records.  
ELQ-00033 Email addresses created.  
ELQ-00034 Total unmatched records.  
ELQ-00035 Email addresses updated.  
ELQ-00048 Contact already exists.  
ELQ-00049 Total new records.  
ELQ-00055 Campaign not found.  
ELQ-00059 Empty records.  
ELQ-00060 Total rejected records.  
ELQ-00061 Rejected records (missing fields).  
ELQ-00062 Duplicate account linkage.  
ELQ-00067 CustomObject data deleted.  
ELQ-00068 Assets created.  
ELQ-00069 Activities created.  
ELQ-00070 Activity Type not found.  
ELQ-00072 Asset Type not found.  
ELQ-00077 Event data created.  
ELQ-00078 Event data linked.  
ELQ-00079 Event data updated.  
ELQ-00080 Event data deleted.  
ELQ-00081 Event data rejected.  
ELQ-00082 Added members to program canvas step {stepId}.  
ELQ-00084 Opportunity does not exist.  
ELQ-00085 Contact does not exist.  
ELQ-00101 Sync processed for sync {syncId}, resulting in {status} status.  
ELQ-00102 Successfully exported members to csv file.  
ELQ-00103 Membership snapshot for export.  
ELQ-00104 Successfully converted file {file} ({kbUsed} kb) with {converter} converter.  
ELQ-00105 Error processing import staging file {file} on sync {syncId} for user {userId}. Delete data from staging area for the definition, re-upload data, and sync. If the same error occurs again you can submit an SR to investigate.
ELQ-00106 Successfully converted csv file to sqlite, taking {kbUsed} kb.  
ELQ-00107 There was an error processing the {type}. Delete data from staging area for the definition, re-upload data, and sync. If the same error occurs again you can submit an SR to investigate.
ELQ-00109 Unable to convert file {file} with {converter} converter. File will remain locked and will NOT be processed.  
ELQ-00110 Trying to unlock file {file} on import {importId} for user {userId}. File has been {lockedState}.  
ELQ-00111 Field {field} is not part of import definition, and will be ignored.  
ELQ-00112 identifierFieldName {field} must be contained within Fields, if specified.  
ELQ-00114 Added members to Account List {listId}.  
ELQ-00115 Subscribed members to Email Group {groupId}.  
ELQ-00116 Unsubscribed members from Email Group {groupId}.  
ELQ-00117 Removed members from Account List {listId}.  
ELQ-00118 Removed members from Contact List {listId}.  
ELQ-00119 Added members to Contact List {listId}.  
ELQ-00120 Updated members status to {status} in Cloud Connector Instance {instanceId}.  
ELQ-00121 Field {field} is part of import definition, but not included in file {file}.  
ELQ-00122 Validation errors found on sync {syncId} for user {userId}. Sync will NOT proceed. This indicates there is a validation error with the definition, for which more details on the validation error are provided in the log message. Restart from the beginning with creating a new valid definition.
ELQ-00123 identifierField will be ignored since Activities are never updated.  
ELQ-00124 There was no data available to process.  
ELQ-00125 Constraint failed.  
ELQ-00126 There are no fields to process in the file {file}.  
ELQ-00127 There are no mapped fields in the file {file}.  
ELQ-00128 Updated members status to {status} in service instance {instanceML}.  
ELQ-00129 Initialized internal staging for data transfer.  
ELQ-00130 Total records staged for import.  
ELQ-00131 Deleted internal staging for data transfer.  
ELQ-00132 Campaign not active.  
ELQ-00133 Unable to lock file.  
ELQ-00134 Successfully locked file.  
ELQ-00135 Multiple matched record limit exceeded.  
ELQ-00136 Staging area storage limit exceeded.  
ELQ-00137 Ready for data import processing.  
ELQ-00138 Contacts email marked as subscribed.  
ELQ-00139 Error staging data for sync actions. Delete data from staging area for the definition, re-upload data, and sync. If the same error occurs again you can submit an SR to investigate.
ELQ-00140 Records staged for sync actions. This is an informational message indicating the number of records staged.
ELQ-00141 Error when exporting members to csv file.  
ELQ-00142 Error when exporting members to csv file. Retrying.  
ELQ-00143 Sync Recovery Worker could not recover from sync error. {syncProductType} definition for id {syncReferenceId} has been deleted. This indicates the definition was deleted before the sync completed. Restart from the beginning and be sure to not delete the definition before the sync completes.
ELQ-00144 Total records with rejected fields.  
ELQ-00145 The request failed and will be retried automatically in the specified time.  
ELQ-00146 The sync failed because of a temporary error. Retry the sync after an hour. If the same error occurs again you can submit an SR to investigate.