Authenticate using HTTP Basic Authentication
For security reasons we recommend authentication using OAuth 2.0. Learn about OAuth 2.0For HTTP basic authentication, each request must include an Authentication header, with a base-64 encoded value.
Your authentication token is of the format:
siteName + '\' + username + ':' + password
Where siteName
is the company name you use to log in to Eloqua, and username
and password
are your Eloqua username and password.
For example, for a user whose company name is "COMPANYX", username is "user1", and password is "password123", the base string is:
Running base-64 encoding on that string gives the token for the Authentication header: Q09NUEFOWVhcdXNlcjE6cGFzc3dvcmQxMjM=
The authentication header would then be:
Authorization: Basic Q09NUEFOWVhcdXNlcjE6cGFzc3dvcmQxMjM=
See Sending Requests for a video demonstration on how to use HTTP Basic Authentication.
The base URL used to access the Eloqua API is no longer static. Learn more about Determining base URLs.