Setup and Installation

Important: Oracle Guided Campaigns is only available if you have purchased licenses. Please contact your account representative for more information.

Oracle Guided Campaigns is powered by Oracle Eloqua and requires the Oracle CX Sales Integration app app for CRM integration.

The following steps describe how to install and configure these apps and platforms.

  1. Provisioning Oracle Guided Campaigns

  2. Oracle Guided Campaigns security group

  3. Installing the Oracle Guided Campaigns app

  4. Eloqua Field Mapping in the App Configuration

  5. Audience viewing in Oracle Guided Campaigns

  6. Email Templates in Oracle Guided Campaigns

  7. Editing your Guided campaigns in Eloqua

Provisioning Oracle Guided Campaigns

To install Guided Campaigns in your Oracle Eloqua instance, you will first need to get it provisioned.

To start the provisioning process, speak to your Sales Representative, who will be able to assist.

After provisioning, you should be advised of the completion of the task.

Oracle Guided Campaigns security group

As part of the set-up and provisioning, your Eloqua instance will get a new security group created called 'Guided Campaigns'.

Your Eloqua admin should add this security group to any users who need to access the Oracle Guided Campaigns app.

This security group gives access to the application along with edit access to the necessary Oracle Eloqua assets that Oracle Guided Campaigns creates or edits.

Important: Prior to app installation, add the Eloqua installation user to the Guided Campaigns security group. The installation user must then log out and back in again to initiate the permissions. The App installation will fail with a No license error if you do not do this.

Installing the Oracle Guided Campaigns app

Important: Because deleting or deactivating the installer user account will impact installed apps, we recommend installing apps using a user account that is not tied to a specific person. The user account must have customer administrator rights.

After Guided Campaigns has been purchased and provisioned, you will be able to install the app.

To do this, the Eloqua installation user should login to Eloqua and go to Settings > Apps > Get more apps at the marketplace. Then search for Oracle Guided Campaigns.

You will now be able to access & install the app to your Eloqua Instance.

Please note that the Install user must have the Guided Campaign licence provided by the new Security group as mentioned above.

Eloqua field mapping in the app configuration

In order to dynamically alter your customers experiences based on their industry (for some tactics) please choose your Industry field from your Eloqua instance (typically 'Industry').

  1. Log in to Oracle Eloqua.
  2. Click SettingsAn image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog., then click Apps.
  3. Select the Oracle Guided Campaigns app.
  4. Click Configure An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog..
  5. Choose the Eloqua contact field that you wish to use for your Field Mapping.

  6. If you wish to dynamically adjust the experience based on a different value than 'Industry' - choose that field that contains that value here.

  7. Click Save to save your settings.

Audience viewing in Guided Campaigns

  1. Click SettingsAn image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog., then click Manage Fields and Views

  2. Click on the tab for Views

  3. Expand the section for Contact views

  4. Right click on the view Standard and choose Permissions.

  5. Click on the '+' icon to add a new security group.

  6. Add the Guided Campaigns security group and include at least View permissions (the others are not necessary).

Email template usage

If you wish for your Guided Campaign users to have access to email templates, you will need to grant the Template permissions to be seen by your Guided Campaigns security group.

To update your Template's permissions,

  1. Go to Assets > Emails

  2. Click Manage Templates.

  3. Choose the template that you wish to permit

  4. Go to Actions > Permissions.

  5. Click on the '+' icon to add a new security group

  6. Add the Guided Campaigns security group and include at least View permissions (the others are not necessary).

Editing your Guided campaigns in Eloqua

After creation of a campaign canvas through Guided Campaigns, there may be situations where an Eloqua power-user might need to alter the campaign flow to support unique use-cases.

Please note: this is supported, but upon saving in Eloqua you will see an alert such as below:

An image illustrating the warning before editing in Eloqua

Important: After the campaign is saved in Eloqua, it will no longer be editable in or able to be activated through the Guided Campaigns UI. After saving in Eloqua all further edits and activation must be done in Oracle Eloqua.

Learn more

Signing in to Oracle Guided Campaigns

Oracle Guided Campaigns app