Push Notification Tracking - iOS

The Core module can help you track application launch by a click on a push notification message. This tracking can be configured for automatic or manual tracking.


To enable automatic tracking of push notification events you should set the PUSH_AUTO_ENABLED configuration to true in the oracle.json file.

Add the following line to your oracle.json file.

"ora_dc_push_auto_enabled" : "true"

The [ORACoreDataCollector triggerEventForNotification:withCustomParams:] method is used to trigger an event when a notification is sent to your application. When it is triggered manually, it can be customized with a notification message and an optional dictionary of custom parameters.


collector!.triggerEvent(forNotification: "Notification Message goes here.", withCustomParams:nil)
[collector triggerEventForNotification:@"Notification Message goes here." withCustomParams:nil];					

Oracle Infinity Parameter Values

This method sends the following parameter values to the Oracle Infinity Data Collection servers:

  Infinity Parameter Description Notes
1 wt.data.page-uri “/application/notification” dcsuri is the mobile app parameter for the same
2 WT.ti applicationName  
3 WT.es “Push Notification  
4 WT.pi applicationName  
5 WT.sys “Push_Open”  
6 WT.dl “1”  

Learn more

Push Notification Tracking - Android

Oracle Marketing Core Module