Quick Troubleshooting Guide

After setting up tracking in your app, you can monitor data collection through the Infinity Streams. In case data collection does not happen as expected or if you find anomalies in the data stream, you can troubleshoot by one of the following methods, depending on the stage of integration development process:

  • Oracle Infinity Streams™: You can set up Oracle Infinity Streams™ to monitor the events in real time. This helps you monitor the end result of data collection tests from the Oracle CX Mobile SDK.

  • Using the ORALogger class: You can use the setLogLevel method from the ORALogger class to enable logging events. The default value set is Debug. You can choose other options like Verbose, Info, Warn etc. These options send additional information with each event, to the log within the IDE. Every time an event is sent to the server, the payload is printed in the log.

  • Set up Charles Proxy. Charles is software package similar to Wireshark or Fiddler. With it, you can inspect http requests and responses, looking exactly at what each such request contains. It only works if the app is configured to send via HTTP protocol. If the default, HTTPS protocol, is used, the data is encrypted and might not be legible as expected. For testing, configure the app to hit the Oracle data collection servers via HTTP protocol. Charles Proxy can also be configured to stand in as a proxy server for a physical device, not only simulators.