Default parameters captured by Core Module for all modules

The Core module captures a set of default parameters. The product modules capture the events relevant to the product module. The product modules pass the events to the core module. The core module decorates the events with the default parameters and transmits them to the Infinity servers.

These parameters are set either manually (when triggering events manually) or automatically (when using convenience methods).

Device Parameters

Parameter Description Device Model, set by accessing \c android.os.Build.model and \c BUILD.manufacturer properties or "unknown"
WT.os Operating System Version, reported by android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE or "unknown"
WT.a_dc Data Carrier, set by Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE
WT.ul Locale Language, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayLanguage()
WT.uc Locale Country, set by Locale.getDefault().getDisplayCountry() Screen Resolution, set by context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE).getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics()
WT.ct Connection Type,set by the CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE getActiveNetworkInfo()
WT.g_co Country Code, set by the TELEPHONY_SERVICE getNetworkCountryIso()
WT.i_ornt Interface Orientation, set by the Display.getOrientation() method

Session Parameters

Parameter Description
WT.vtvs Session Start, the start time of the current session
WT.co_f Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session
WT.vt_sid VisitorID.SessionStart, a concatenation of WT.co_f and WT.vtvs, joined with a "."
WT.vtid Visitor ID, the unique visitor ID assigned to this session
WT.vt_f First hit ever for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false
WT.vt_f_s First hit of the session for this visitor, "1" if true, "0" if false
WT.vt_f_tlh Time of last hit

Geo-location parameters

Parameter Description
WT.g_long Longitude, set by the location.getLongitude() method
WT.g_lat Latitude, set by the location.getLatitude() method
WT.gc A concatenation of WT.g_lat and WT.g_long, joined with a ","

SDK and mobile application parameters

Parameter Description
WT.ets Epoch Time Stamp, set at event creation time Set Cookie on Redirect, always "yes"
WT.av Application Version, set by the wt_dc_app_version config setting or context.getPackageName()
WT.a_nm Application Name, set by the wt_dc_app_name config setting or context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes
WT.sdk_v SDK Version, set by BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME
WT.d_id Unique ID, set by randomly generated ID(only included if the wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled config setting is set to true)