Deprecated List

Page Basic Installation Guide

Using DEBUG config is deprecated and will be removed in future releases. Instead use new ORALogger api which is explained below for logging.

Member ORABaseConfigKeys.DEBUG

It is deprecated and will be removed in future releases, instead use ORALogger to enable or disable the logs

Member ORABaseConfigSettings.DEBUG

It is deprecated and will be removed in future releases, instead use ORALogger to enable or disable the logs

Member ORABaseDataCollector.getInstance (final Context context)

This method is deprecated. Using this method will give issues in some scenarios. We are planning to remove this method in future releases.

Member ORABaseDataContainer.loadConfig (Map<? extends IORAConfigSetting, String > settingsMap, int newVersion)

Replaced by loadFromConfigFile() This method loads bulk data into store. And this is the one time operation While loading it will check for the version. If the newVersion is greater than existing version then only it will store the data. Default version code id 0. So, to loadConfig new config need to pass the value greater than 0(Start with 1). Increase the newVersion number if you want to modify existing config or addRequest new config. This method is useful to store the default / mandatory config. This can be called in class. To set individual config at run time refer ORABaseDataContainer::putValue()

Member ORAHTTPManager.getInstance (Context context)

This method is deprecated. Use getInstance() instead.