Manual Events Guide Document

Once you have properly set up and configured your application with the Oracle CX Core, you are ready to equip the application to send events to the server.

The Data Collector Object

The primary interface for using the Oracle CX Core is the ORACoreDataCollector class. ORACoreDataCollector provides a singleton object for each module that may be used throughout your project. To initiate the singleton object, call the [ORACoreDataCollector sharedCollector] method. This method returns a pointer to the singleton. This instance may be assigned to a variable name or used inline.

Parameters Collected on Every Event

There is a set of parameters that are collected with every event, regardless of whether the event is manually or automatically triggered.

Session Parameters

  • Wt.vtvs: session start
  • Wt.vt_sid: visitorid.sessionStart (combined value)
  • Wt.co_f: visitorId
  • Wt.vtid: vistorId
  • Wt.ets: the time stamp of the event
  • Wt.vt_f: 1 (if this is the first event ever)
  • Wt.v_f_s: 1 (if this is the first event of the session)
  • Wt.vt_f_d: 1 (if this is the first event of the session)
  • Wt.vt_f_tlh: 1 (timestamp of the last event)

Device and OS Parameters

  • "true”
  • deviceModel
  • wt.os: osVersion
  • wt.av: applicationVersion
  • wt.a_nm: f.applicationName
  • wt.a_dc: f.carrierName
  • wt.ul: language
  • wt.uc: country
  • screenResolution
  • wt.sdk_v: buildNumber

Event Triggers

All event triggers are methods called against the ORACoreDataCollector singleton. This singleton is referenced via the [ORACoreDataCollector sharedCollector] method. For the purposes of documenting the event triggers, we will assume that the singleton has been assigned to a variable.

Assigning the Oracle Infinity Data Collector to a Variable

 ORACoreDataCollector *collector = [ORACoreDataCollector sharedCollector];						

let collector = ORACoreDataCollector.shared()

Application Start Events

The [ORACoreDataCollector triggerEventForApplication:startWithCustomParams:] method is used to trigger an event associated with an application start. When used as a manual event, it may be customized with an application name or an optional dictionary of custom parameters.


[collector triggerEventForApplication:@"My Application" startWithCustomParams:@{@"foo":@"bar", @"key 1":@"value 1"}];
collector!.triggerEvent(forApplication: "My Application", startWithCustomParams:["foo":"bar", "key 1":"value 1"])

Oracle Infinity Parameter Values

This method sends the following parameter values to the Oracle Infinity Data Collection servers:

  • dcsuri: "/application/start"
  • WT.ti: appName
  • WT.pi: appName
  • WT.sys: "startup"
  • WT.dl: "61"

Application Terminate Events

The [ORACoreDataCollector triggerEventForApplication:terminateWithCustomParams:] method is used to trigger an event associated with an application end. When used as a manual event, it may be customized with an application name and an optional dictionary of custom parameters.


[collector triggerEventForApplication:@"My Application" terminateWithCustomParams:@{@"foo":@"bar", @"key 1":@"value 1"}];
collector!.triggerEvent(forApplication: "My Application", terminateWithCustomParams:["foo":"bar", "key 1":"value 1"

Oracle Infinity Parameter Values

This method sends the following parameter values to the Oracle Infinity Data Collection servers:

  • dcsuri: "/application/terminate"
  • WT.ti: appName
  • WT.pi: appName
  • WT.sys: "exit"
  • WT.dl: "61"

Application Entering Background Events

The [ORACoreDataCollector triggerEventForApplication:didEnterBackgroundWithCustomParams:] method is used to trigger an event associated with an application entering the background. When used as a manual event, it may be customized with an application name or an optional dictionary of custom parameters.


[collector triggerEventForApplication:@"My Application" didEnterBackgroundWithCustomParams:@{@"foo":@"bar", @"key 1":@"value 1"}];
collector!.triggerEvent(forApplication: "My Application", didEnterBackgroundWithCustomParams:["foo":"bar", "key 1":"value 1"])

Oracle Infinity Parameter Values

This method sends the following parameter values to the Oracle Infinity Data Collection servers:

  • dcsuri: "/application/background"
  • WT.ti: appName
  • WT.pi: appName
  • WT.sys: "background"
  • WT.dl: "61"

Application Entering Foreground Events

The [ORACoreDataCollector triggerEventForApplication:willEnterForegroundWithCustomParams:] method is used to trigger an event associated with an application entering the foreground. When used as a manual event, it may be customized with an application name or an optional dictionary of custom parameters.


[collector triggerEventForApplication:@"My Application" willEnterForegroundWithCustomParams:@{@"foo":@"bar", @"key 1":@"value 1"}];
collector!.triggerEvent(forApplication: "My Application", willEnterForegroundWithCustomParams:["foo":"bar", "key 1":"value 1"]

Oracle Infinity Parameter Values

This method sends the following parameter values to the Oracle Infinity Data Collection servers:

  • dcsuri: "/application/foreground"
  • WT.ti: appName
  • WT.pi: appName
  • WT.sys: "foreground"
  • WT.dl: "61"

Application Error Events

The [ORACoreDataCollector triggerEventForApplication:withErrorMessage:customParams:] method is used to trigger an event associated with an error occurring in the application. It may be customized with an application name, an error message, or an optional dictionary of custom parameters.


[collector triggerEventForApplication:@"My Application" withErrorMessage:@"Application Error Message" customParams:@{@"foo":@"bar", @"key 1":@"value 1"}];
collector!.triggerEvent(forApplication: "My Application", withErrorMessage:"Application Error Message", customParams:["foo":"bar", "key 1":"value 1"])

Oracle Infinity Parameter Values

This method sends the following parameter values to the Oracle Infinity Data Collection servers:

  • dcsuri: "/application/error"
  • WT.ti: appName
  • WT.pi: appName
  • errorMessage
  • WT.dl: "64"
  • WT.sys: "error"

View Did Appear Events

The [ORACoreDataCollector triggerEventForViewDidAppear:withCustomParams:] method is used to trigger an event when a view appears in your application. When triggered manually, it may be customized with a view title and an optional dictionary of custom parameters.


[collector triggerEventForViewDidAppear:self.title withCustomParams:nil];
collector!.triggerEvent(forViewDidAppear: self.title, withCustomParams:nil)

Oracle Infinity Parameter Values

This method sends the following parameter values to the Oracle Infinity Data Collection servers:

  • dcsuri: "/activity/start"
  • WT.ti: controllerTitle
  • WT.pi: controllerTitle
  • WT.sys: "start"
  • WT.dl: "61"

View Did Disappear Events

The [ORACoreDataCollector triggerEventForViewDidDisappear:withCustomParams:] method is used to trigger an event when a view disappears in your application. When triggered manually, it may be customized with a view title and an optional dictionary of custom parameters.


[collector triggerEventForViewDidDisappear:self.title withCustomParams:nil];
collector!.triggerEvent(forViewDidDisappear: self.title, withCustomParams:nil)

Oracle Infinity Parameter Values

This method sends the following parameter values to the Oracle Infinity Data Collection servers:

  • dcsuri: "/activity/end"
  • WT.ti: controllerTitle
  • WT.pi: controllerTitle
  • WT.sys: "stop"
  • WT.dl: "61"

Notification Events

The [ORACoreDataCollector triggerEventForNotification:withCustomParams:] method is used to trigger an event when a notification is sent to your application. When triggered manually, it may be customized with a notification message and an optional dictionary of custom parameters.


[collector triggerEventForNotification:@"Notification Message goes here." withCustomParams:nil];
collector!.triggerEvent(forNotification: "Notification Message goes here.", withCustomParams:nil)

Oracle Infinity Parameter Values

This method sends the following parameter values to the Oracle Infinity Data Collection servers:

  • dcsuri: "/application/notification"
  • WT.ti: applicationName
  • "Push Notification: <notificationMessage>"
  • WT.pi: applicationName
  • WT.sys: "Push_Open"
  • WT.dl: "1"