Tealium iQ

This Quick Start guide will show you how to get up and running with data collection on your website using the Oracle CX Tag. Once you’re collecting data you can move on to leveraging your data in the Infinity platform.

Working with a Single Page Application?

Please see the Oracle CX Tag Tracking Reference - Single Page Applications for tips on how to implement the Oracle CX Tag in a Single Page Application.

Want to learn about the CX Tag by video?

View CX Tag Quick Start Videos.

In this topic:


1. Create a Tag

You will now need your code snippet so you can implement the CX Tag on your website:

1.1 Generate Tag

Can’t see Data Collection? You will need to speak to someone within your company who has Oracle Infinity Administrator access within your internal team to ensure you have the correct permissions to access this.

  • In the Oracle Infinity User Interface, visit the Data Collection application (you can access this from the menu button in the top-left hand side).

  • Click Create Tag:

    Create Your Tag

    An image of creating tag

  • Follow the on-screen instructions (ensuring the Infinity Behavior Tracking Option is selected) then click Create.

    On-Screen Instructions

    An image of on-screen instructions

Tag Name and Tag ID?

Tag Name can be named anything you like. It allows you to assign access rights to your Oracle Infinity Tags and put them into a hierarchical format. Typically, it’s best to have a separate tag name per website but for this Quick Start you can just give it any name you like.

The Tag ID is your ID for the tag (and is joined to Tag Name). It will be suggested for you but can override if you like. This will be what is implemented on your website so it cannot be changed once generated.

  • You will now see two boxes are available, representing tags for your Test and Production environments:

    Your Tag Environments

    An image of your tag enviroments

What are Environments?

Environments allow you to run your tag in multiple configurations. In this example, you can have one version of a tag for a Test environment, where you can test and tag configurations you have in a test environment, and then another environment for your live site (Production), where you would promote your Test configuration to if working as you expected in the Test environment.

See Data Collection Application - Tag Containers and Publishing for more information.

1.2 Enable Tag Management Plugin

By default, the CX Tag will trigger page views upon page load for us. However, we want to stop this behavior as we will be firing these page views ourselves. To do this, we’re going to enable the Tag Management System Plugin:

  • Click on the Infinity box underneath Test.

    Tag Configuration for the CX Tag

    An image of your tag enviroment

  • On the right-hand side, click Plugins Added then click + Add Plugin:

    Adding your plugin

    An image of adding your plugin

  • Scroll through the list to find Tag Management System and click on it to select it then click Add Selected Plugins

  • Ensure you click on the Tag Management System plugin to toggle it on:

    Toggling the Plugin

    An image of toggling the plugin

  • Click Save.

Make sure you toggle ON the Tag Management Plugin.

When you add the plugin, it won’t be on by default so ensure you toggle it on before you save:

Toggling the Plugin

An image of toggling the plugin

If you don’t, the CX Tag may not fire any calls/may fire multiple call.

2. Get your CX Tag URL for your Test Environment

Test Environment for your CX Tag Library

In this quick start, we will be implementing the Test environment version of your CX Tag Library (ideally on a test website you have).

We would also recommend you implement the Production environment version of the tag on your live website as well so that you can optionally promote the test configuration from this guide to your live website as per Publishing your Configuration to your Live Site.

You will now need your endpoint URL so you can implement the CX Tag on a test website:

  • Go back to the Data Collection application.

  • Look for your tag then click on it to open your tag configuration:

    Finding Your Tag

    An image of your URL link

  • Click on the … in the Test configuration to retrieve your endpoint URL for the Test environment:

    An image of your URL Link

Finding Your Tag

  • Your Oracle CX Tag Library location should now be copied to your clipboard (for example, //d.oracleinfinity.io/infy/acs/account/{Account GUID}/js/{Tag ID}/odc.js?_ora.config=analytics:test, where {Account GUID } is your Account GUID, {Tag ID} is your Tag ID and _ora.config=analytics:test denotes this is for your Test environment):

    Your Test Environment URL

    An image of your Test Enviroment URL

Account GUID, Tag ID and Config

Account GUID identifies your account. All your tags will use the same account GUID so that all data collected for your account is stored together.

Tag ID allows you to assign access rights to your Oracle Infinity Tags and put them into a hierarchical format.

_ora.config denotes which Environment the tag is pointing towards (to allow you to point towards different tag configurations per Environment, for example, Test and Production)

3. Add the Oracle CX Tag

In Tealium:

  • Add the Oracle CX Tag and enter your {Account GUID}, {Tag ID} and {_ora.config} (for example, analytics:test) as per the tag prompts in Tealium iQ:

    Entering your Account GUID, Tag ID and Environment

    An image of entering your account GUID and Tag ID

4. Choose the pages you want the tag to fire on

Want to fire Event calls?

If you wish to send Event Calls as users interact with your page (for example, clicking on a menu item), please see Send Event Calls.

For example, you may choose to fire this on all pages:

Choosing your Load Rules

An image of choosing your load rules

5. (Optional) Map Variables as Parameters

Which Parameters should I use? For help with choosing parameter names and syntax formats, please see Parameters

You can optionally map Variables to the CX Tag as Parameters using the Mapping Toolbox (ensuring you use the correct Parameter Syntax) to enrich your analytics/targeting capabilities based on information about your pages and visitors.

Mapping Variables in the CX Tag with Tealium iQ

  • Map to parameters which Tealium has built in to their Mapping Toolbox:

    Page Title (wt.ti) is built in to the Mapping Toolbox

    An image of page title (wt.ti) is built in to the mapping toolbox


  • Map to custom parameters using the +Add Custom Destination button (ensuring you use the correct Parameter Syntax):

    Mapping Custom Parameters

    An image of mapping custom parameters

6. Publish your Changes

Publish your changes in Tealium iQ to push the tags live on your website.

7. Validate Tracking in your Browser

Want to check for data within the Oracle Infinity platform?

See Testing the CX Tag within the Streams (Legacy) user interface.
See Verifying and Debugging the CX Tag.

When you trigger the CX tag, you can validate this is working by Inspecting the Network Activity in your browser and filtering for the dcs.gif for any requests.

Testing your CX Tag in your browser

  • Inspect the Network in your browser for dcs.gif:

    Debugging your Infinity Requests

    An image of debugging your infinity requests

If you have declared parameters, you’ll be able to see these later in the request as query-string parameters:

Seeing Your Parameters in the CX Tag Request

An image of seeing your parameters in the CX Tag request

Not Seeing Calls as Expected?

Have you:

8. (Optional) Publish your Configuration to your Live Site

8.1 Ensure your Live Website is using the Production Environment Tag

Have you already implemented the Production environment tag on your Live Website?

If you haven’t implemented a production environment version of your CX Tag on your live site then follow these steps to publish this on your live website.

This is as simple as changing the endpoint URL for your CX Tag on your site from the Test environment endpoint to your Production environment endpoint:

  • Go to your Tag and click to retrieve your Production Environment endpoint:

    Retrieving your Production Environment Endpoint

    An image of retrieving your tag's production enviroment endpoint

This will look like //d.oracleinfinity.io/infy/acs/account/{Account GUID}/js/{Tag ID}/odc.js?_ora.config=analytics:production

8.2 Promote your Test Configuration to Production

Now that we have successfully tested your Test configuration, we can promote this to Production as follows:

  • Click on Publish to Production within your tag:

    Promoting Configurations to Production

    An image of promoting to production

Your Tag Configuration (for example, plugins and settings) is now live in the Production environment for your tag so we now need to make sure your live website is pointing towards the production environment for your tag.

What happens when I promote a Configuration to Production?

When you promote your Test Configuration to Production you will immediately push the exact Test tag configuration (for example, plugins and their settings) to your Production environment - that is, your live website.

You must be very careful this is exactly as you required as it will overwrite the Production Tag Configuration you already had - including plugins and their settings. Once you promote to Production you cannot retrieve the previous Production configuration.

9. You’re Ready

You have successfully sent data from your website into Oracle Infinity and validated it both in your browser and in the platform itself. You’re ready to move onto the Next Steps below.

Next Steps

In this topic:

Watch other CX Tag Quick Start Videos

See below for a full list of video playlists:



Data Collection Application - Managing Modules

Now that you have the CX Tag live on your website, you can enable different CX products from the tag.

Please see CX Tag Module Configuration for how to enable these products on your website.

Send Event Calls

If you wish to send Event Calls as users interact with your page (for example, clicking on a menu item), please see the Triggering Events With The CX Tag in Tealium IQ video.

Learn more

CX Tag Quick Start Guides