Developer Help Centre > 6sense Integration

Integrating with 6sense

Integrating with 6sense allows you to pull customer-specific data on a page.

This article explains how to:

  • Integrate a Maxymiser campaign with 6sense
  • Validate and QA the integration for a campaign

How we pull the data?

This integration uses the data automatically populated by 6sense inside browser's localStorage. Maxymiser campaign script simply awaits for the data to become available, so that it can feed corresponding custom attributes. These can then be used for campaign and content targeting, used as part of variant content or additional filter options in the reporting.

Integration Implementation

The integration involves the following four steps.

Step 1. Custom Attribute

Create or re-use one of the Custom Attributes in Maxymiser UI.

Custom Attribute

Step 2. Integration script

Create a campaign script with the following contents.

var config = { // specify your Custom Attribute and // 6sense storage item path here as // 'CustomAttributeName': 'path' 'Company Name': '' } function isValidItem(v) { return typeof v === 'string' || typeof v === 'number'; } function getDetails() { try { var companyDetails = localStorage.getItem('_6senseCompanyDetails'); if (companyDetails) { companyDetails = JSON.parse(companyDetails); Object.keys(config).forEach(function(attr) { var path = config[attr], companyDetailsBranch = companyDetails, error = false; path.split('.').forEach(function(key) { if ( companyDetailsBranch[key] ) { companyDetailsBranch = companyDetailsBranch[key]; } else { error = true; } }); if (!error && isValidItem(companyDetailsBranch)) { visitor.storeAttr(attr, companyDetailsBranch); } }); } } catch(e) {} } when(window._storagePopulated).then(function() { getDetails(); });

Setup the config section of that script in the following way: keys should correspond the names of the Custom Attributes you want to use, and the values of the object to define paths to the respective items inside the 6sense localStorage object.

Integration Script

Step 3. Postpone campaign generation

It can be easily done by waiting for 6sense to fire. Just add a JavaScript Code campaign targeting rule and replace the auto-generated script with the following:

function isQualified(){ return when(function() { return window._storagePopulated; }); } campaign.scope.qualificationRules = campaign.scope.qualificationRules || []; campaign.scope.qualificationRules.push(isQualified);

As shown on the screenshot:

Qualification Script

Step 4. Use the attributes

Custom Attributes values that were successfully fetched can now be used for Campaign Targeting, as part of campaign alternative variants or inside reports.

Below is an example of a variant's source code that uses this customer data and its preview on the campaign page:

<style> #mm-company-name { color: #fbff72; } </style> <script> dom.addCss( css ); var companyName = visitor.getAttr('Company Name'); dom.editHtml( 'h2:eq(0)', 'Bring ABM strategy to ' + companyName + '' ); </script>

Qualification Script

QA the Integration

Whenever the campaign scripts are configured (i.e., step 3 of the integration is complete), you should be able to see the Custom Attribute value populated in the QA tool.

QA tool