Postman Collection

This tutorial shows you how to:
  • Use the Campaign Delivery API to generate visitors into campaigns and track actions.
Refer to Overview to learn more about server-side testing.

Retrieving experiences and tracking actions for visitors with Oracle Maxymiser's Campaign Delivery API

Postman setup

Step 1: Install Postman:

Step 2: Use REST API to configure some campaigns

Step 3: Download "Campaign Delivery API collection" for Postman

Step 4: Make calls to the Campaign Delivery API

Download the Postman collection

You can use the "Campaign Delivery API collection" to access server-side campaigns:

Postman collection Oracle Maxymiser's Campaign Delivery API Postman collection

The Campaign delivery API does not require Authorization header set up.

Make calls to the Campaign Delivery API to retrieve experiences and track actions for visitors

Select an endpoint you want to use from the collection. Set up your environment variables by replacing the values for {env} and {site_id} with your own. The {env} should be set as either eu or us. You can find your site id by using the GET Site endpoint of the REST API.