Campaign performance report

Important: Are you using our new Stats Engine? In October 2016 (16.5) we released our new Stats Engine. This topic tells you how to use the Campaign Performance report for Campaigns published after the October 2016 release. For campaigns published before the October 2016 release - read Legacy campaign performance report.

The Campaign Performance report shows your campaign's key metrics at a glance to help you understand the experience that gets you maximum conversion, engagement and revenue. You can use this report along with other reports to make key business decisions for your organization.

Note: Campaign Conclusion features are available for campaigns published after the October 2016 release. See campaign conclusion.

Campaign performance summary

The summary includes:

  • Total Generations: The number of generations for the campaign.
  • Live For: The total number of days where there has been at least one generation.
  • Current Duration: The number of days from the start of the campaign to the current date, or the date the campaign finished.
  • Experiences: The number of experiences in the test. A combination of variants make up an experience. For example: a welcome page without an image, a medium size banner, and a call-to-action button saying View Our Best Offers.

Top ranked experiences

The experiences card shows the top winning experiences compared to the control (the default variant). The control card (Ctrl) is always gray and its position changes based on how it ranks compared to other experiences.

You can use Options to quickly compare the top experiences for Conversion, Revenue, and Engagement against the control variant (see View reports based on revenue or engagement).

Experiences chart and table for the primary action

The interactive experiences chart shows conversion results for the top experiences and the control.

You can use Options to view results for revenue and engagement (see View reports based on revenue or engagement). By default the chart shows cumulative data, but you can view daily data to identify peaks on a particular day (see How my campaign performed on a daily basis).

The table shows detailed information for each experience based on the metric you select. You can use the check boxes to select up to 10 experiences (including the total) to appear on the chart. Click the column headings to sort the results in ascending or descending order. For more details about additional metrics, see Include more metrics in the Experiences table.

Experiences table for each secondary action

The report also shows results for any secondary actions specified in your campaign. Secondary actions support your primary action and allow you to gain more insight into how users interact with your website content. The table shows detailed information for each secondary action based on the metric you select.

View reports based on revenue or engagement

Click Options > View and Order Data By, choose from the metrics below and click Apply.

  • Conversion (Rate): The percentage of Generations who have converted (i.e. performed the required action) out of all generators for that experience.
  • Revenue per Generation: The revenue divided by generations for each experience.
  • Average Order Value: The revenue divided by the multiple action count (i.e. the total number of actions by visitors who saw the experience).
  • Revenue per Converter: Revenue/single action count. For example, for purchase actions, Revenue per Converter is the revenue per visitor who has completed at least one purchase through the campaign.
  • Engagement: Also known as Actions per Generation. The average number of multiple actions per generation (usually visitors). It is calculated as the multiple action count (i.e. the total number of actions by visitors who saw the experience) divided by generations.

The top ranked experiences, chart and table are updated using the metric you select. For more details about additional metrics, see Include more metrics in the Experiences table.

Use funnel analysis to measure visitor conversion

You can use the conversion funnel to see how visitors are converting based on their actions.

Click Options > Page Widgets > select Funnel and click Apply.

The funnel shows visitor conversion for the control experience and the visitor drop-off points.

To create bespoke funnels, you can:

  • Reorder the actions in the funnel by dragging and dropping the action name to the desired location.
  • Add or remove actions from the funnel.
  • Analyze how visitors who performed a particular action progressed through the funnel by changing the default starting point for the funnel (which is usually all visitors who saw the experience).

Compare the funnel for another experience with the funnel of the control experience

Click the Funnel menu > Compare Experiences, then select the check box for the experience.

The two funnels appear side by side showing the conversion rate for each action.

How to use action breakdown to gain more insight into visitor behavior

Use the action breakdown widget to track how visitors are converting based on action attributes. For example, you could set up an On-click action on different areas of a page and then track which part of the page gets the most clicks. Or you might set up attributes on purchase actions to store the product category.

Click Options > Page Widgets > select Action Breakdown and click Apply.

The pie chart shows the action breakdown for the primary action. In this example we see the action 'Confirmation' and two attributes showing how visitors paid for their purchase - using a 'credit card', 'debit card'.

Use the options menu to modify the action breakdown view:

  • Compare Experiences - Use to compare the control (Ctrl) against other experiences in your campaign.

  • Actions: Statistics for the primary action are displayed by default. Use this option to display details for a different action.
  • Measure: Use to show the statistics for Conversion, Engagement or Revenue.
  • Export: Use to export the data in one of the following formats: comma-separated values (.cvs), .xls or tab-separated values (.tsv).

View reports based on elements

Use the Elements view to evaluate the performance of test variants in terms of test Elements. You may find this option useful when viewing report data for MVT campaigns.

Click Options > View and Order Data By, choose Elements and click Apply.

The sample report table below shows the conversion rate for the variants inside each element.

  • Element: The Element that was tested during the Campaign.
  • Variant: The alternative content for the Element that was tested.
  • Generations
  • Action Count: The number of actions performed for the variant.
  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors who have converted out of all the visitors who have entered the campaign.
  • Margin of Error: The standard deviation for the conversion rate (or other metric e.g. Revenue per Converter) of the experience multiplied by a factor that depends on the confidence level. For example, a conversion rate of 2.5% ± 0.5 means that the conversion rate can be between 2% and 3%.
  • Uplift: The relative difference between a given variant and the control content. Uplift is calculated using the following formula: Uplift (%) = (Conversion rate of variant - Conversion rate of control variant) / (Conversion rate of control variant) x 100%.
  • Confidence: Measures the observed test results and is used to test a statistical hypothesis on the equality between an experience and the control metric, e.g. conversion rates. The confidence is the probability of obtaining a result equal to or 'less extreme' than what was actually observed, assuming that the experience and the control have equal metric values, e.g. equal conversion rates.

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Campaign Performance report, key metrics, Minimal Detectable Uplift