Update SMS Campaign Properties

Use this interface to update an existing SMS campaign object.

The response returns the campaign object, which includes the campaign ID and its other properties (showing the new values for those updated per the request).

The links array contains the campaign object’s related API operations, specific to the campaign name where applicable.

Note: The Responsys Advanced API is generally available for all Responsys customers.

Service URL:


Required Path Parameters:

campaignName - Name of the SMS campaign to be updated.

Request Method:


Request Header:



Request Body - Required Properties:

We recommend that your client application create the request body as follows:

1. Use the Get Email Campaign Properties API to obtain the campaign’s current properties.

Responsys users may have modified the campaign after it was created by the API, and therefore the properties might not match those returned in the Create Email Campaign response body.

2. Copy the email campaign properties from the response body of the Get Email Campaign Properties request, and then use the copy to create the request body for Update Email Campaign:

a. Modify the properties as needed for your updates, as needed.

b. Leave the other properties in the request body, unmodified.

Sample Request Body

  "generalInfo": {
    "folderName": "Folder_Name",
    "purpose": "Promotional",
    "description": "<description>",
    "marketingStrategy": "<strategy>",
    "marketingProgram": "<marketingProgram>",
    "template": "Custom",
    "assignedOrganizations": null
  "dataSources": [
      "folder": "Folder_Name",
      "type": "PROFILE_LIST",
      "alias": "<profile_list_alias_name>",
      "name": "<list_name>",
      "columns": [
          "alias": "<column_alias_name>",
          "name": "<column_name>",
          "type": "<column_type>",
          "defaultValue": "<column_default_value>",
          "lookupKey": true
      "lookupTable": true
      "folder": "Folder_Name",
      "type": "PROFILE_EXTENSION",
      "alias": "<profile_extension_alias_name>",
      "name": "<pet_name>",
      "columns": [
          "alias": "<column_alias_name>",
          "name": "<column_name>",
          "type": "<column_type>",
          "defaultValue": "<column_default_value>",
          "lookupKey": true
      "lookupTable": true
  "messageInfo": {
    "codeCountries": [
        "code": "<country_code>",
        "country": "<country_name>"
    "outboundMessage": "<sample_outbound_message>",
    "resposeMessages": [
        "keywords": [
        "keywordType": "<keyword_type>",
        "message": "<keyword_message>"
        "keywords": [
        "keywordType": "<keyword_type>",
        "message": "<keyword_message>"
        "keywords": [
        "keywordType": "<keyword_type>",
        "message": "<keyword_message>"
        "keywords": [
        "keywordType": "<keyword_type>",
        "message": "<keyword_message>"
    "enableLinkTracking": false,
    "linkTablePath": "<link_table_path>"
  "additionalInfo": {
    "externalTrackingParams": null,
    "campaignVariables": null,
    "initiationType": "Y",
    "externalTracking": "",
    "externalTrackingEnabled": false,
    "honorPermission": "false",
    "emailOptIn": true,
    "smsOptIn": false,
    "smsOptOutFromAllLists": false,
    "active": false
  "launchOptions": {
    "progressAddress": "<progress_notification_email_address>",
    "skipAlertEnabled": false,
    "skipAlertPercent": 50,
    "sentAlertEnabled": false,
    "sentAlertPercent": 20,
    "startAlertEnabled": "false",
    "emptyAlertEnabled": "true",
    "failureAddress": "<failure_notification_email_address>",
    "withdrawnAddress": "<skipped_launch_notification_email_address>",
    "launchRate": ""

Note: See SMS Campaigns Object Properties Reference for a full list of available parameters.

Sample Response Body

  "generalInfo": {
    "id": "<smsCampaignId>",
    "folderName": "Folder_Name",
    "purpose": "Promotional",
    "description": "<description>",
    "marketingStrategy": "<strategy>",
    "marketingProgram": "<marketingProgram>",
    "template": "Custom",
    "assignedOrganizations": null
  "dataSources": [
      "folder": "Folder_Name",
      "type": "PROFILE_LIST",
      "alias": "<profile_list_alias_name>",
      "name": "<list_name>",
      "columns": [
          "alias": "<column_alias_name>",
          "name": "<column_name>",
          "type": "<column_type>",
          "defaultValue": "<column_default_value>",
          "lookupKey": true
      "lookupTable": true
      "folder": "Folder_Name",
      "type": "PROFILE_EXTENSION",
      "alias": "<profile_extension_alias_name>",
      "name": "<pet_name>",
      "columns": [
          "alias": "<column_alias_name>",
          "name": "<column_name>",
          "type": "<column_type>",
          "defaultValue": "<column_default_value>",
          "lookupKey": true
      "lookupTable": true
  "messageInfo": {
    "codeCountries": [
        "code": "<country_code>",
        "country": "<country_name>"
    "outboundMessage": "<sample_outbound_message>",
    "resposeMessages": [
        "keywords": [
        "keywordType": "<keyword_type>",
        "message": "<keyword_message>"
        "keywords": [
        "keywordType": "<keyword_type>",
        "message": "<keyword_message>"
        "keywords": [
        "keywordType": "<keyword_type>",
        "message": "<keyword_message>"
        "keywords": [
        "keywordType": "<keyword_type>",
        "message": "<keyword_message>"
    "enableLinkTracking": false,
    "linkTablePath": "<link_table_path>"
  "additionalInfo": {
    "externalTrackingParams": null,
    "campaignVariables": null,
    "initiationType": "Y",
    "externalTracking": "",
    "externalTrackingEnabled": false,
    "honorPermission": "false",
    "emailOptIn": true,
    "smsOptIn": false,
    "smsOptOutFromAllLists": false,
    "active": false
  "launchOptions": {
    "progressAddress": "<progress_notification_email_address>",
    "skipAlertEnabled": false,
    "skipAlertPercent": 50,
    "sentAlertEnabled": false,
    "sentAlertPercent": 20,
    "startAlertEnabled": "false",
    "emptyAlertEnabled": "true",
    "failureAddress": "<failure_notification_email_address>",
    "withdrawnAddress": "<skipped_launch_notification_email_address>",
    "launchRate": ""

Learn more

SMS Campaigns Object Properties Reference

Advanced API Resources