Polling API endpoint

The Polling API is used to retrieve the reporting data from a request. The Polling API endpoint will respond to successful requests with compressed gzip. The response must be uncompressed to retrieve the data.

Note: The Asynchronous API is generally available for all Responsys customers.

Service URL:


Required Path Parameters:

requestId - Unique identifier for the API request. Obtain this value from the successful response to your async request.

Request Method:


Request Header:



Request Body - Required Properties:

Not applicable

Sample Request Body:

Not applicable

Response Notes:

  • A successful response for the asynchronous API returns an HTTPS status code of 202 Accepted.
  • See Common error responses for the Polling API for details about the error responses.
  • Note that the date and time values consider the Responsys account’s time zone
  • The Polling API endpoint will respond to successful requests with compressed gzip. The response must be uncompressed to retrieve the data. There are various methods to uncompress the data.

    • If using API development tools - The response can be saved and downloaded as gzip. Unzip the file to view uncompressed data.
    • If integrating web services - The header “Responsys-Content-Encoding:gzip” indicates the response is encoded using gzip and needs to be decompressed.
private static String decompress(byte[] compressed) throws IOException {
    ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(compressed);
    GZIPInputStream gzipInputStream = new GZIPInputStream(byteArrayInputStream);
    BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(gzipInputStream, ENCODING));
    StringBuilder uncompressedData = new StringBuilder();
    String line;
    while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
    return uncompressedData.toString();

Sample Response - Successful

  "response": {
    "filterCriteria": {
      "sentDateFrom": "2018-10-01",
      "sentDateTo": "2018-10-05",
      "subjectArea": "Email"
    "analyticsData": {
      "performanceMetrics": [
          "conversions": 42,
          "unsubscribes": 4,
          "purpose": "PROMOTIONAL",
          "subjectLine": "Jump in NOW for this Deal",
          "launchCode": "qasmscamp.77461.81321",
          "delivered": 766,
          "uniqueClickToOpenRate": 16.54,
          "deliveredRate": 85.78,
          "responders": 19,
          "bounceRate": 14.22,
          "launchID": 81321,
          "sentDate": "2018-10-05",
          "revenue": 1123.79,
          "revenuePer1KEmail": 1467.09,
          "unsubscribeRate": 0.52,
          "uniqueClickThroughRate": 5.48,
          "marketingProgram": "New Products",
          "clickPerResponder": 2.32,
          "uniqueClicks": 40,
          "launchType": "PROGRAM TRIGGERED",
          "skipRate": 0,
          "openRate": 27.02,
          "averageClicks": 2,
          "externalCampaignID": "Not Applicable",
          "averageOrderValue": 26.76,
          "clickThroughRate": 10.97,
          "organizationUnit": "(Unspecified)",
          "bounced": 127,
          "sent": 893,
          "conversionRate": 5.48,
          "failureRate": 0,
          "uniqueOpens": 253,
          "responderRate": 1.03,
          "folder": "US West Campaigns",
          "stage": "Send Email Campaign",
          "uniqueOpenRate": 33.03,
          "campaign": "Updated Recommendations 810",
          "marketingStrategy": "Cross Sell",
          "opens": 207,
          "clicks": 84,
          "uniqueConversions": 21,
          "totalOrders": 1,
          "uniqueConversionRate": 2.74,
          "account": "responsysdemo"
          "skipRate": 0,
          "unsubscribes": 8,
          "externalCampaignID": "Not Applicable",
          "purpose": "PROMOTIONAL",
          "subjectLine": "Jump in NOW for this Deal",
          "organizationUnit": "SF North",
          "launchCode": "qasmscamp.728101.535501",
          "delivered": 5166,
          "uniqueClickToOpenRate": 16.54,
          "program": "Best Deal Alerts 15",
          "sent": 5166,
          "deliveredRate": 100,
          "responders": 20,
          "launchID": 535501,
          "failureRate": 0,
          "uniqueOpens": 130,
          "sentDate": "2018-10-01",
          "folder": "Shop and Save Extra",
          "stage": "Send email campaign",
          "unsubscribeRate": 0.15,
          "campaign": "MVT_Test_Clearance_or_Best_Value",
          "marketingStrategy": "Retention",
          "clicks": 0,
          "marketingProgram": "Retail Stores",
          "clickPerResponder": 2.32,
          "responderRate": 1.03,
          "account": "responsysdemo",
          "launchType": "PROGRAM TRIGGERED"
          "conversions": 92,
          "unsubscribes": 4,
          "purpose": "PROMOTIONAL",
          "subjectLine": "Don't Miss This - Top Brands for Less",
          "launchCode": "qasmscamp.490861.280141",
          "delivered": 2975,
          "uniqueClickToOpenRate": 16.54,
          "program": "Welcome - Newsletter 19",
          "deliveredRate": 91.59,
          "responders": 18,
          "bounceRate": 8.41,
          "launchID": 280141,
          "sentDate": "2018-10-03",
          "revenue": 3255.42,
          "revenuePer1KEmail": 1094.26,
          "unsubscribeRate": 0.13,
          "uniqueClickThroughRate": 3.06,
          "marketingProgram": "Retail Stores",
          "clickPerResponder": 10.47,
          "launchType": "PROGRAM TRIGGERED",
          "skipRate": 0,
          "openRate": 29.61,
          "averageClicks": 2,
          "externalCampaignID": "Not Applicable",
          "averageOrderValue": 35.39,
          "clickThroughRate": 6.12,
          "organizationUnit": "US",
          "bounced": 273,
          "sent": 3248,
          "conversionRate": 3.09,
          "failureRate": 0,
          "uniqueOpens": 546,
          "responderRate": 0.51,
          "folder": "Trending Now",
          "stage": "Send email campaign",
          "uniqueOpenRate": 18.35,
          "campaign": "Trending Now Newsletter GT-1_1",
          "marketingStrategy": "Tier 2 Markets",
          "opens": 881,
          "clicks": 182,
          "uniqueConversions": 46,
          "totalOrders": 9,
          "uniqueConversionRate": 1.55,
          "account": "responsysdemo"
    "timeZone": "Australian Eastern Standard Time (New South Wales)",
    "subjectArea": "Email",
    "rowCount": 582
  "requestId": "dHNYUFhJOjoxNTQ0NDI5Mjk2",
  "apiName": "asyncPerformanceAnalyticsEmail",
  "requestTime": "2020-10-27T09:05:44.953",
  "requestProcessedTime": "2020-10-27T09:05:49.359",
  "status": "SUCCESS"

Learn more

Common error responses for the Polling API

Common error responses for the Reporting API