Multiple Polling API endpoint

Use the Multiple Polling API to find out the status of up to 200 asynchronous requests.

Note: The Asynchronous API is generally available for all Responsys customers.

Request details

  • You can specify up to 200 request IDs per request.
  • Client applications must poll for responses within 24 hours after the initial API request was processed. A daily job on the server deletes responses that are more than one day old.
  • The system throttles the Polling API. You can get the throttling limit of the API by using the Get Throttling Limits REST API request.
  • Status returned by the polling API is only about completion of the merge and submitting to the personalization queue. The results do not reflect the final campaign send status. In other words, it’s possible that the campaign send could fail due to personalization errors even if the result indicates success.
Request Method Service URL


Request Headers



Request Body Required Properties
  • requestIds - Array of request IDs from sending asynchronous requests. Specify up to 200 request IDs per request.

Example Request

Retrieve the polling results for the request IDs QmU4dXpYOjoxNTc5NzA0MDEw , OUJDVFhKOjoxNTc5MTAyODg5, and OUJDVFhKOjoxNTc5eeAyODg5.

POST /rest/asyncApi/v1.3/requests

  "requestIds": [

Response Notes

The response HTTP STATUS code is always 200 (Ok), unless there is a system error (500 Internal Server Error). See Common error responses for the Polling API for details about the error responses.

For a successful response, the response body properties are as follows:

  • response: object that contains either the merge results for the recipients, or the error response messages. See the Common error responses for the Polling API section for more details about error responses.
  • requestId: the unique identifier that was returned by the original asynchronous API request.
  • apiName: Property that contains the name of the request API.
  • timeZone: The time zone of the Responsys account performing the request.
  • requestTime: Timestamp of when the request was submitted.
  • requestProcessedTime: Timestamp when the request was processed.
  • status: Status of the async API request. See the Common error responses for the Polling API section for more details about error responses.

Sample Responses - Successful

Mixed results for the merge. In this scenario, the request succeeded for the first recipient, but failed for the second, and third recipients.

    "response": {
      "recordData": {
        "records": [
        "mapTemplateName": null,
        "fieldNames": [
      "mergeRule": {
        "optoutValue": "O",
        "rejectRecordIfChannelEmpty": "E",
        "updateOnMatch": "REPLACE_ALL",
        "optinValue": "I",
        "textValue": "T",
        "htmlValue": "H",
        "matchColumnName2": "",
        "insertOnNoMatch": true,
        "defaultPermissionStatus": "OPTIN",
        "matchOperator": "AND",
        "matchColumnName1": "CUSTOMER_ID_"
    "requestId": "QmU4dXpYOjoxNTc5NzA0MDEw",
    "apiName": "asyncMergeListMembers",
    "timeZone": null,
    "requestTime": "2020-01-22 06:40:10.779",
    "requestProcessedTime": "2020-01-22 06:40:10.822",
    "status": "SUCCESS"
    "response": {
      "type": "",
      "title": "Response purged",
      "errorCode": "RESPONSE_PURGED",
      "detail": "Response Message Purged",
      "errorDetails": "[]"
    "requestId": "OUJDVFhKOjoxNTc5MTAyODg5",
    "apiName": "",
    "timeZone": null,
    "requestTime": "2020-01-15 07:41:29.0",
    "requestProcessedTime": "",
    "status": "UNKNOWN"
    "response": {
      "type": "",
      "title": "Invalid Request Id",
      "errorCode": "INVALID_REQUEST_ID",
      "detail": "Request Id is not valid ",
      "errorDetails": "[]"
    "requestId": "OUJDVFhKOjoxNTc5eeAyODg5",
    "apiName": null,
    "timeZone": null,
    "requestTime": null,
    "requestProcessedTime": null,
    "status": "ERROR"

Learn more

Common error responses for the Polling API

Asynchronous API resources