Common error responses for the Asynchronous API

These are common error responses for the Asynchronous API.

Request payload is not well-formed JSON (INVALID_REQUEST_CONTENT)

The system validates whether or not the request payload is well-formed JSON. If it is not, the system returns the following response with HTTPS Status Code 400 (Bad Request). Verify that your payload is in proper JSON format, and that it does not have missing or incorrectly used punctuation.

    "type": "",
    "title": "Invalid request content",
    "detail": "Request body is empty or invalid",
    "errorDetails": []

Recipient limit is exceeded (RECIPIENT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED)

If your client application submits an async request with more than 200 recipients, it is rejected immediately and is not put on the queue. Limit your requests to 200 or fewer recipients.

    "type": "",
    "title": "Recipient limit exceeded",
    "detail": "Recipient limit exceeded, maximum of 200 recipients are allowed per each api call",
    "errorDetails": []


If the request cannot be accepted due to queue being full, the following response is returned with HTTPS Status Code 500 (Internal Server Error). Try the request again later.

    "type": "",
    "title": "Unable to submit Async request",
    "detail": "Error in submitting async request",
    "errorDetails": []

Learn more

Common error responses for the Polling API

Common error responses for the Reporting API