Data Retrieval

An important idea behind RPL is that presentation logic is separated from the data. The template contains only presentation issues, that is, visual design and formatting. It does not include instructions for finding out who the current recipient is, or how to query the database to find out what the latest product is. RPL determines what values to display by retrieving and processing the contents of rows in the datasources defined for a message. The way these values are calculated can change while the templates can remain the same, and the look of the email can be changed without touching anything but the template. This separation is especially useful when the template author and campaign manager are not the same individual.

The basic data utilization is defined in the campaigns and forms and needs no additional programming. However, RPL includes advanced data processing mechanisms that might be required for data operations. This section of the document describes working with standard profile and profile extension tables. Advanced functionality, such as working with supplemental tables, will be described later in this document.

In addition to data from the profile related tables, RPL provides a way to add more data. For example, you can assign additional values using the assign, global and local constructs.

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Data Model

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