Migration Notes

Version 1.1 to 1.3

This section contains information about the differences between the v1.1 and v1.3 API. The table that follows shows the API task affected, describes the old version functionality, and shows the new version's functionality.

NOTE: You may need to right-scroll the table to view all of its content. The control for scrolling the table is located below the table, above the "Version 1.1 to 1.2" section.

API Task Old Version (v1.1) New Version (v1.3)
Merge Trigger Email and Merge Trigger SMS

records array and triggerData array grouped the field values and optional data values separately, making it more difficult to ensure that the optional data was matched to the correct records, as shown below.

NOTE: Using the new format with the v1.1 endpoint results in a 500 error code (Internal Server Error).


	"recordData": {
		"records": [
				"fieldValues": ["mdi1234@foobar.com", "martiness"]
				"fieldValues": ["mdi.1234@foobarcorp.com", "concord"]
		"fieldNames": ["EMAIL_ADDRESS_", "CITY_"]
	"mergeRule": {
		"htmlValue": "H",
		"matchColumnName1": "EMAIL_ADDRESS_",
		"matchColumnName2": null,
		"matchColumnName3": null,
		"optoutValue": "O",
		"insertOnNoMatch": true,
		"defaultPermissionStatus": "OPTIN",
		"rejectRecordIfChannelEmpty": "E",
		"optinValue": "I",
		"updateOnMatch": "REPLACE_ALL",
		"textValue": "T",
		"matchOperator": "NONE"
	"triggerData": [
			"optionalData": [
					"name": "FIRST_NAME",
					"value": "jim_1"
					"name": "LAST_NAME",
					"value": "smith_1"
			"optionalData": [
					"name": "FIRST_NAME",
					"value": "jim_2"
					"name": "LAST_NAME",
					"value": "smith_2"

New array, mergeTriggerRecords, now groups the field values and optional data in a pair-wise fashion, as shown below.

NOTE: Using the old format with the v1.3 endpoint results in a 400 error code (Bad Request).


		"mergeTriggerRecordData": {
			"mergeTriggerRecords": [
					"fieldValues": ["mdi1234@foobar.com", "martiness"],
					"optionalData": [
							"name": "FIRST_NAME",
							"value": "jim_1"
							"name": "LAST_NAME",
							"value": "smith_1"
					"fieldValues": ["mdi.1234@foobarcorp.com", "concord"],
					"optionalData": [
							"name": "FIRST_NAME",
							"value": "jim_2"
							"name": "LAST_NAME",
							"value": "smith_2"
			"fieldNames": ["EMAIL_ADDRESS_", "CITY_"]
		"mergeRule": {
			"htmlValue": "H",
			"matchColumnName1": "EMAIL_ADDRESS_",
			"matchColumnName2": null,
			"optoutValue": "O",
			"insertOnNoMatch": true,
			"defaultPermissionStatus": "OPTIN",
			"rejectRecordIfChannelEmpty": "E",
			"optinValue": "I",
			"updateOnMatch": "REPLACE_ALL",
			"textValue": "T",
			"matchOperator": "NONE"
Manage Email Campaign Schedule

Only supported using the campaign schedule calls for Email campaigns.

Now supports using the campaign schedule calls for Push campaigns. The account must have Integrated Push enabled. See the "Email or Push Campaign Schedule" tasks for details.

Version 1.1 to 1.2

Not applicable for the standard REST API. Version 1.2 applies only for accounts with Automatic Failover for Transactional Messaging (AFTM).

Version v1 to v1.1

This section contains information about the differences between the v1 and v1.1 API.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Oracle has announced the deprecation of the version 1 of the Oracle Responsys REST API. REST API Version 1 will be deprecated September 2018. To avoid problems with your client applications, you must upgrade your client applications to use version 1.1 or later (preferably 1.3, which is the latest version). More details are available in the Oracle Responsys REST API Upgrade Guide. (To access the document, you must be a member of our customer and partner group, "Responsys Insiders". If you are not a customer or partner but are working on a client application that uses the Oracle Responsys REST API, your Responsys contact can provide the document.)

API Task Old Version (v1) New Version (v1.1)
Merge or update members in a profile extension table

'matchColumn' is deprecated. NOTE: You may still see this in the response body of some v1.1 and greater APIs.

Use 'matchColumnName1' and, optionally, 'matchColumnName2'

Error Handling - For requests to trigger a message, when the response returns an error for a recipient then the success attribute is false.

The previous version of the API used to return the error description as part of the attribute errorMessage, with a description similar to the following: "Recipient deliverability status is undeliverable."

The error description is now pre-pended with the error code, so that you can look up the error code from the errorMessage attribute: "ERROR_CODE: error description". For example: "RECIPIENT_STATUS_UNDELIVERABLE: Recipient deliverability status is undeliverable."