Quick Start

This document provides a guide for software developers using the REST API for Oracle Responsys Marketing Cloud Service. It pertains to the v1.3 REST Web Services API, which was released in Responsys 6.31 and is compatible with current Responsys updates. Document number: E69773-20

About the Web Services REST API for Oracle Responsys

The Oracle Responsys REST Web Services API v1.3 supports several resources including: profile lists, profile extensions, supplemental data, campaign schedules, events, content library folders, content library documents, content library media files, and content library document images. For a summary of recent changes, see the Release Changes topic.

You can learn more about Responsys APIs in this video and by downloading the Responsys API Brochure.

Responsys REST APIs are JSON-aware for accepting or returning a payload. These REST APIs also comply with the HATEAOS principle such that a client interacts with a network application entirely through hypermedia provided dynamically by application servers. Therefore, a REST client needs no prior knowledge about how to interact with any particular application or server beyond a generic understanding of hypermedia. As a result, the response payloads returned by most of the Responsys REST interfaces contain additional information (specifically "links") to allow the client application to transition through application states. More information about HATEAOS is available at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HATEOAS

NOTE: Responsys SOAP and REST API are two separate sets of APIs, but they use the same underlying object model.

Responsys APIs support only UTF-8 character encoding. Special characters in request payloads must be UTF-8 encoded. If that is not the case, then an error response is returned.