Update an Email or Push campaign schedule




Path Parameters
Body ()
Request Body
Root Schema : Update Email or Push Campaign Schedule Request
Type: object
Title: Update Email or Push Campaign Schedule Request
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Update Email or Push Campaign Schedule Response
Type: object
Title: Update Email or Push Campaign Schedule Response
Show Source
Nested Schema : launchOptions
Type: object
Launch Options for the schedule.
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The following example shows how to update the schedule of an existing Email campaign or Push campaign by its schedule ID. The schedule ID can be obtained from the id parameter from the response to either the "Get All Launch Schedules for an Email or Push Campaign" task or the "Schedule an Email or Push Campaign Launch" task.

  • A Responsys user must create the campaign in Responsys, and the campaign must not have validation errors.
  • For Email campaigns, the interfaces apply for only Email Message Designer (EMD) campaigns; the interfaces do not support classic campaigns.
  • For Push campaigns, your Push campaign must have the "From address" set in the Launch Options of the campaign workbook. If the "From address" is not set, the campaign will be scheduled successfully, but the campaign launch will fail.
  • The APIs support Push campaigns only for the Mobile App channel. The API does not support In-app Message campaigns.

A successful request requires the following headers:

Authorization <AUTH_TOKEN>
Content-Type application/json

Required Request Body Parameters:

	scheduleType (ONCE or NOW)
	scheduledTime (Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM AM or PM)

Sample Request URL:

In this example, we want to update a campaign launch for the campaign named test with a schedule ID of 1491, so we put the campaign name and schedule ID into the endpoint URL:


Sample Request body:

Campaign launch 1491 has a scheduled time of 2018-11-30 11:17 AM, and we want to change it to 1:00 AM. Our request body contains the parameters to update:

           "scheduleType": "ONCE",
           "scheduledTime": "2018-11-30 1:00 AM"


Sample response: Success

The response to the above request returns the launch schedule information, showing the new scheduledTime.

          "id": 1491,
          "scheduleType": "ONCE",
          "scheduledTime": "2018-11-30 01:00 AM",
          "launchOptions": {
            "proofLaunch": false
          "links": [
              "rel": "self",
              "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/campaigns/test/schedule/1491",
              "method": "PUT"
              "rel": "deleteSchedule",
              "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/campaigns/test/schedule/1491",
              "method": "DELETE"
              "rel": "getSchedule",
              "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/campaigns/test/schedule/1491",
              "method": "GET"
              "rel": "createSchedule",
              "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/campaigns/test/schedule",
              "method": "POST"

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