Retrieve All Filters



Use this endpoint to retrieve all filters for an account. Both simple and classic filters are returned in the response.

For more information on filters, see the Oracle Responsys Help Center.


Supported Media Types
Query Parameters
  • Number of filters to return in the response (defaults to 200 and cannot exceed 200)
  • Specifies an offset that allows you to retrieve the next batch of records. Starts at 0 and indicates the record number for the response result set. Any positive integer. For example, if your limit is 200, specifying an offset of 0 will return records 0 through 200. To retrieve the next 200, set an offset of 200. If not specified, the default is 0.
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : filters
Type: object
Title: filters
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : filter
Type: object
Title: filter
Show Source
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Retrieve filters in your Responsys account.

Authorization <AUTH_TOKEN>

Sample Request:

Retrieve the first 2 filters within your account.


Sample Response: Success

  "filters": [
      "id": 2461,
      "name": "All_Records",
      "filterType": "UserFilter",
      "listId": 2201,
      "listName": "Audience_List",
      "folderId": 2001,
      "folderName": "Audiences",
      "filterSource": "Profile",
      "description": "All Records",
      "createdDate": 1467710587000,
      "modifiedDate": 1467710595000,
      "filterSource": "Profile",
      "filterSubType": "Profile"
      "id": 2481,
      "name": "Sample_Filter",
      "filterType": "UserFilter",
      "listId": 2201,
      "listName": "Audience_List",
      "folderId": 2001,
      "folderName": "Sh_Audiences",
      "filterSource": "Profile",
      "description": "1 to 100",
      "createdDate": 1467710625000,
      "modifiedDate": 1488364831000,
      "filterSource": "Profile",
      "filterSubType": "Profile"
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/filters?limit=2",
      "method": "GET"
      "rel": "next",
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/filters?limit=2&offset=2",
      "method": "GET"

Sample Request:

Retrieve the first 200 filters within your account.


Sample Response: Success

Note that the amount of records shown in the example below has been reduced.

  "filters": [
      "id": 2461,
      "name": "All_Records",
      "filterType": "UserFilter",
      "listId": 2201,
      "listName": "Audience_List",
      "folderId": 2001,
      "folderName": "Audiences",
      "filterSource": "Profile",
      "description": "All Records",
      "createdDate": 1467710587000,
      "modifiedDate": 1467710595000,
      "filterSource": "Profile",
      "filterSubType": "Profile"
      "id": 2481,
      "name": "Sample_Filter",
      "filterType": "UserFilter",
      "listId": 2201,
      "listName": "Audience_List",
      "folderId": 2001,
      "folderName": "Sh_Audiences",
      "filterSource": "Profile",
      "description": "1 to 100",
      "createdDate": 1467710625000,
      "modifiedDate": 1488364831000,
      "filterSource": "Profile",
      "filterSubType": "Profile"
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/filters?limit=200&offset=0",
      "method": "GET"
      "rel": "next",
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/filters?limit=200&offset=200",
      "method": "GET"

Retrieve the next batch of 200 filters within your account.


Sample Response: Success

Note that the amount of records shown in the example below has been reduced.

  "filters": [
	  "id": 175561,
	  "name": "EmailNotNull",
	  "filterType": "UserFilter",
	  "listId": 49941,
	  "listName": "NEW_LIST",
	  "folderId": 1801,
	  "folderName": "R_Folder",
	  "filterSource": "Profile",
	  "description": "Email not null list",
	  "createdDate": 1482311206000,
	  "modifiedDate": 1482311206000,
	  "filterSource": "Profile",
	  "filterSubType": "Profile"
	  "id": 179321,
	  "name": "List2",
	  "filterType": "UserFilter",
	  "listId": 179221,
	  "listName": "List2",
	  "folderId": 177961,
	  "folderName": "Folder_Name",
	  "filterSource": "Profile",
	  "description": "Another list",
	  "createdDate": 1482399829000,
	  "modifiedDate": 1482399836000,
	  "filterSource": "Profile",
	  "filterSubType": "Profile"
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/filters?limit=200&offset=200",
      "method": "GET"
      "rel": "next",
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/filters?limit=200&offset=400",
      "method": "GET"
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