Delete Profile Extension Recipient using an RIID



Delete Profile Extension Table (PET) recipient record using the RIID of the parent Profile List record


Path Parameters
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Profile Extension Recipients
Type: object
Title: Profile Extension Recipients
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  • Specifies whether a recipient record should be inserted into the Profile Extension if it does not already exist. Only used during the merge operation.
    The column name to be used to match the recipient record to the Profile Extension records. Only used during the merge operation.
  • recordData
    Record data that represents field names and corresponding values for the recipient.
  • Allowed Values: [ "REPLACE_ALL", "NO_UPDATE" ]
    Specifies whether a recipient record should be updated in the Profile Extension if it already exists. Only used during the merge operation.
Nested Schema : recordData
Type: object
Record data that represents field names and corresponding values for the recipient.
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Nested Schema : fieldNames
Type: array
Field names of the Profile List. Must contain contain at least one of the merge key fields from the Profile List.
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Nested Schema : records
Type: array
Array of values corresponding to the fieldNames. Each element in the array represents a single recipient.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Field values for the recipient in the Profile List
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A successful request requires the following headers:

Authorization <AUTH_TOKEN>

Sample Request:

NOTE: The service URL requires the names of both the Profile List and the Profile Extension Table.


Example Response: Success

  • The response will always contain only RIID_ in the fieldNames attribute and the corresponding RIID_ values for the records in the records attribute in case the deletion of that record is successful.
  • In case delete failed for a record, the RIID_ of the record is not present in the response. Instead, an error message starting with DELETEFAILED: is returned. Client developers can look for the string DELETEFAILED: in the response for a particular row to determine whether that recipient was deleted successfully or not. Furthermore, other attributes in the response like mapTemplateName, insertOnNoMatch, updateOnMatch, and matchColumn will have default values (null/false).
   "recordData":    {
      "fieldNames": ["RIID_"],
      "records": [["1761409"]],
      "mapTemplateName": null
   "insertOnNoMatch": false,
   "updateOnMatch": null,
   "matchColumn": null,
   "links":    [
         "rel": "self",
         "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/lists/DemoNewsLetterList/listExtensions/DemoNewsLetterPet/members/1761409",
         "method": "DELETE"
         "rel": "mergeProfileExtensionRecipients",
         "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/lists/DemoNewsLetterList/listExtensions/DemoNewsLetterPet/members",
         "method": "POST"
         "rel": "retrieveProfileExtensionRecipientsRIID",
         "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/lists/DemoNewsLetterList/listExtensions/DemoNewsLetterPet/members/<riid>",
         "method": "GET"


Sample Response: Failure

   "recordData":    {
      "fieldNames": ["RIID_"],
      "records": [["DELETEFAILED: NO records found for id\n"]],
      "mapTemplateName": null
   "insertOnNoMatch": false,
   "updateOnMatch": null,
   "matchColumn": null,
   "links":    [
         "rel": "self",
         "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/lists/DemoNewsLetterList/listExtensions/DemoNewsLetterPet/members/1761409",
         "method": "DELETE"
         "rel": "mergeProfileExtensionRecipients",
         "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/lists/DemoNewsLetterList/listExtensions/DemoNewsLetterPet/members",
         "method": "POST"
         "rel": "retrieveProfileExtensionRecipientsRIID",
         "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/lists/DemoNewsLetterList/listExtensions/DemoNewsLetterPet/members/<riid>,
         "method": "GET"

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