Retrieve List Recipients Count using query attribute



Retrieves a count of Profile List Recipients that match the query attributes. If no query attributes are specified, retrieves total count of the profile list recipients.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • ID corresponding to the query attribute
  • Query Attribute. Can be one of:
    • 'r' (RIID_)
    • 'e' (EMAIL_ADDRESS_)
    • 'c' (CUSTOMER_ID_)
    • 'm' (MOBILE_NUMBER_)
    • 'e_md5' (EMAIL_MD5_HASH_)
    • 'e_sha256' (EMAIL_SHA256_HASH_)
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Retrieve List Recipients Count
Type: object
Title: Retrieve List Recipients Count
Show Source
  • Count of list recipients that matches the query attribute passed or total count of list recipients when no query attributes are passed
  • links
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You can retrieve a count of existing members of a profile list with or without query parameters. If no query parameters are specified, the total count of profile list recipients will be returned. Otherwise, use query parameters to narrow the search.

Authorization <AUTH_TOKEN>
id ID corresponding to the query attribute
qa Can be either r (RIID), e (EMAIL_ADDRESS), c (CUSTOMER_ID), m (MOBILE_NUMBER), e_md5 (EMAIL_MD5_HASH_consisting of 32 characters), or e_sha256 (EMAIL_SHA256_HASH_ consisting of 64 characters). If an e_md5 and e_sha256 are both provided in the same request, the e_sha256 is ignored.

Sample Request URL:

Retrieve all profile list recipients within the DemoNewsLetterList profile list with the email address


Sample Response: Success

The count indicates there are 3 profile list recipients in this list with the email address

  "count": 3,
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/lists/DemoNewsLetterList/members/count?qa=e&",
      "method": "GET"
      "rel": "mergeListRecipients",
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/lists/DemoNewsLetterList/members",
      "method": "POST"
      "rel": "retrieveListRecipients",
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/lists/DemoNewsLetterList/members?&qa=e&",
      "method": "GET"

Sample Request URL:

Retrieve a count of all profile list recipients within the DemoNewsLetterList profile list.


Sample Response: Success

The count indicates there are 100 profle list recipients in the profile list DemoNewsLetterList.

  "count": 100,
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/lists/DemoNewsLetterList/members/count",
      "method": "GET"
      "rel": "mergeListRecipients",
      "href": "/rest/api/v1.3/lists/DemoNewsLetterList/members",
      "method": "POST"

Example Response Failures

404 Not Found Errors

No records found in the given list: Requests fail when no query attribute is specified and the count of profile list recipients in the list is 0. The error resembles:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Record not found",
  "errorCode": "RECORD_NOT_FOUND",
  "detail": "No records found in the given List",
  "errorDetails": []

No records found for the given id: Requests fail when no records are found in the list for the id specified. The error resembles:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Record not found",
  "errorCode": "RECORD_NOT_FOUND",
  "detail": "No records found in the list for given id",
  "errorDetails": []

List not found: Requests fail if the specified profile list is not found. The error resembles:

  "type": "",
  "title": "List not found",
  "errorCode": "LIST_NOT_FOUND",
  "detail": "Profile_List_1 List Not Found",
  "errorDetails": []

400 Bad Request Errors

Invalid value for the specified id data type: Requests fail when an invalid id value is provided. For example, if a string value is provided for riid, when the value should be an integer. The error resembles:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Invalid request parameters",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_PARAMETER",
  "detail": "The value is not valid for an integer field",
  "errorDetails": []

Invalid e_SHA256 is specified: Requests fail when the query attribute specified is e_sha256, and an invalid email SHA256 hash id is provided. Email SHA256 hashes are 64 characters. The error resembles:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Invalid request parameters",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_PARAMETER",
  "detail": "The value [ 12345 ] is not a valid SHA256 Hash value.",
  "errorDetails": []

Invalid e_md5 is specified: Requests fail when the query attribute specified is e_md5, and an invalid email md5 hash id is provided. Email md5 hashes are 32 characters. The error resembles:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Invalid request parameters",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_PARAMETER",
  "detail": "The value [ 12345678 ] is not a valid MD5 Hash value.",
  "errorDetails": []

Invalid query attribute: Requests fail if an invalid query attribute is specified. Query Attribute must be either r, e, c, m, e_md5 or e_sha256. The error resembles:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Invalid request parameters",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_PARAMETER",
  "detail": "Query Attribute Must be either r, e, c, m, e_md5, or e_sha256.",
  "errorDetails": []

Too many query attributes specified: Requests fail if more than one query attribute is specified. The error resembles:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Invalid request parameters",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_PARAMETER",
  "detail": "This query supports only one id",
  "errorDetails": []

A query attribute was not specified: Requests fail if no query attribute is specified. The error resembles:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Invalid request parameters",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_PARAMETER",
  "detail": "Query Attribute is null OR empty",
  "errorDetails": []

No identifier specified: Requests fail if no id is specified. The error resembles:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Invalid request parameters",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_PARAMETER",
  "detail": "IdToRetrieve is null OR empty",
  "errorDetails": []

Invalid profile list name length: Requests fail if the length of the profile list name exceeds 100 characters. The error resembles:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Invalid request parameters",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_PARAMETER",
  "detail": "Max Length of listName allowed: 100",
  "errorDetails": []

Profile list name contains invalid characters: Requests fail if the profile list name contains invalid characters. The error resembles:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Invalid request parameters",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_PARAMETER",
  "detail": "Invalid characters in the List Name",
  "errorDetails": []
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