Exit Enactments



Moves the enactments at a blocked stage out of a program. In the request body, specify the name of the program and the program action (exit).

In the case of a successful request, a success message is returned in the response body. Programs must be currently unpublished, but have been published at least once. If these requirements are not met, a 400 Bad Request error will be returned.
See the Oracle Responsys Help Center for more information about resolving blocked program stages.


Supported Media Types
Body ()
Root Schema : exit-program-enactments-request
Type: object
Title: exit-program-enactments-request
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : exit-program-enactments-response
Type: object
Title: exit-program-enactments-response
Show Source
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This interface is used to move the enactments at the blocked stage out of the program. Programs must be unpublished to move enactments.

A successful request requires the following headers:

Authorization <AUTH_TOKEN>
Content-Type application/json

Sample Request Body:

Exit enactments out of the program named Summer_Deals.

  "action": "exit",
  "programName": "Summer_Deals"

Sample Response: Success

  "errorMsg": null,
  "status": "SUCCESS"

Example Response Failures

404 Not Found

Program not found: Requests fail when the specified program name cannot be found in Responsys. The error resembles:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Program not found",
  "errorCode": "PROGRAM_NOT_FOUND",
  "detail": "Program Summer_Deals not found ",
  "errorDetails": []

400 Bad Request

Invalid action parameter: Requests fail if action is not set to exit. The error resembles:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Invalid request parameters",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_PARAMETER",
  "detail": "Request parameter 'action' should be set as 'exit'",
  "errorDetails": []

Program is published: Requests fail if the program is published. The program must be unpublished to exit enactments. The error resembles:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Program is in publised state",
  "detail": "Summer_Deals should be unpublished before terminating",
  "errorDetails": []

Program has never been published: Requests fail if the program has never been published. Programs must be published at least once to exit enactments. The error resembles:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Program is in publised state or has never been published",
  "detail": "Summer_Deals should be unpublished before terminating",
  "errorDetails": []
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