Get Email Domain Rules



Retrieves a list of Email domain rules for the account. Email domain rules are used when campaign messages are being sent out.
The response returns:
  • The domains to which campaign messages must not be sent at all
  • Domains to which HTML-format campaign mssages can be sent with confidence to recipients that will be able to read them
  • Domains to which only plain-text campaign messages should be sent because recipients cannot read messages in any other format

See the Oracle Responsys Help Center for more information.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Email Domain Rules
Type: object
Title: Email Domain Rules
Show Source
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The following example shows how to retrieve an account's Email Domain Rules.

Authorization <AUTH_TOKEN>
Accept application/json

Sample Request URL:


Sample Response: Success

  "avoidDomains": "",
  "htmlDomains": ",,",
  "txtDomains": ""

Example Response Failures

401 Unauthorized

User must be Account Admin: Requests fail when the user performing this request does not have the Account Admin role. The error resembles:

  "type": "",
  "title": "Insufficient access",
  "detail": "User must be Account Admin.",
  "errorDetails": []
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