
  • A confirmation displayed after a form is submitted. The acknowledgment lets the recipient know his or her submission was received. It can be an HTML or plain-text document, or it can redirect the recipient's browser to a specific URL (web page).
  • Ad hoc analysis, also known as ad hoc query or custom reporting, lets you explore and analyze data using functions, such as filter, pivot, sort, group, drill up and drill down.
  • In Program, a decision point in a Program that uses percentages to determine the proper path down which to send a Program Entry.
  • A special kind of document, such as a PDF file, that you send along with an campaign message. See also Form.
  • B
  • A campaign message accepted by a recipient's email server, but returned to the Oracle Responsys server because the recipient's mailbox couldn't be found or was full. Reports in Insight show information on bounces by reason or by ISP. A hard bounce represents a problem that is unlikely to be resolved, such as an invalid domain or ambiguous address. A soft bounce represents a problem that may be resolved in a relatively short time, such as a full mailbox.
  • Brand pages are company pages on Facebook and Twitter. This is where a brand posts promotions and offers through its marketing team. Every brand page has an administrator.
  • A special kind of text replacement field that calculates the replacement value, rather than simply substituting text, so you can create more flexible dynamic documents. Built-in functions have the form $functionName(parameters)$. Oracle Responsys includes many built-in functions; for a complete list and usage details, see the Oracle Responsys Built-in Functions Guide.
  • C
  • In Oracle Responsys, a logical entity consisting of documents that carry a message, the lists of addresses to which it will be sent, and all the other elements that make it up. The message may contain a link to an form, or it may include the personalized form embedded in the message or as an attachment. A campaign is typically related to a particular marketing program that targets a selected group of recipients. Each recipient receives a personalized campaign. If the campaign message includes a link to an Oracle Responsys form, recipients can respond (usually with minimal data input followed by a single click). Responses to forms can trigger follow-up campaigns, based on the form rules specified. You can chain campaigns together to create multiple-step campaigns. See also: Form and Linked response form.
  • Campaigns that are already scheduled appear on the calendar with links to the scheduled times.
  • The Campaign Designer provides a convenient way to create, edit, and/or preview HTML and plain-text content for campaign messages.
  • A symbolic name, used like a text replacement field, which supplies a value to be used for personalization throughout a campaign, independent of the value of individual records.
  • The area used with a drag-and-drop interface to lay out Program diagrams in Program.
  • A campaign delivery method, such as email or SMS.
  • To end a campaign that is still receiving responses (listening). Once a campaign is closed, the Oracle Responsys servers no longer accept responses for that campaign. See also Campaign, Listening and Stop.
  • Use Connect to automate the transfer of uploaded and downloaded data to/from Lists, List filters, supplemental tables, and event feeds. Use Connect to import lists and supplemental tables into Connect, export lists, supplemental tables, and list filters via configured Ineract Connect jobs, automate the import of data captured in third-party systems, set up partner event feeds that drive and launch specified campaigns, automate job downloads of data from campaign events and other data sources, view scheduled and completed jobs and details. Note: Not all accounts have access to Connect.
  • The HTML or plain text file used to define a campaign message.
  • The WYSYWIG editor used to create or edit content.
  • A custom event is a signal from an external source that alerts Oracle Responsys when notable customer activity occurs and should be recorded, or alternately when a notable activity occurs to a customer. It is defined and named at the account level. Custom events can be triggered by Form Posts, Oracle Responsys API and Profile list uploads.
  • An event that triggers when an addressible user is added to the profile table or an existing user with opt-in status changes from 0 to 1.
  • An event that triggers when the opt-in status of an existing user changing from 1 to 0.
  • D
  • Dashboards are used to summarize key performance indicators to track business performance against business targets (goals and/or benchmarks). Also known as management or performance dashboards.
  • Area where Oracle Responsys stores performance and response data for the campaigns and forms you create, edit, and launch or deploy. This data is not part of your client data, and does not contribute to your account's usage of allocated storage space. Oracle Responsys uses this data when you create various reports about campaign performance and customer response.
  • An internal or external table, a SQL statement using such a table, a join of internal or external tables, or filtered view of such a table.
  • In Program, a decision point in a Program that uses Profile List and Behavioral filter data to determine the proper path down which to send a Program Entry.
  • A collection of tables. The tables in one database are usually related in some way. For example: a company table, a prospects table, a sales representative table, and a partner contacts table are usually related in a customer database. See also Table and External database.
  • When defining a form, you can provide a default value in any replacement text field. These default values are used whenever the corresponding fields are empty for a particular record in the list.
  • A text file with fields separated by a specific delimiter (tab, comma, semicolon, or some other character that doesn't occur in the field values). Delimited text files are a convenient way to import information into Oracle Responsys tables. They are sometimes referred to as tab-delimited or CSV (comma-separated values) files.
  • Test deliverability success using SpamAssassin, and run campaign content through a spam filter. Resulting scores help marketers maximize deliverability by understanding which elements of a message are most likely to be considered spam.
  • A business intelligence or data warehouse term that refers to an attribute or a table column used for interpreting a metric in context of the business. An Insight dimension (also known as a field in the configure report) is a data attribute that is used to categorize or filter an Insight measure. A measure by itself has no meaning if presented without the context of a dimension. For example, revenue by itself is meaningless if it is not put in context of a business perspective (or dimension). Revenue by time, revenue by campaign or revenue by marketing strategy gives you context as to how you want to group revenue data.
  • See Live Report
  • For SMS or MMS campaigns, a DND is a message that has been received and rejected due to the subscriber being subscribed to DND services. These services disable any service traffic to their number.
  • A generic term that refers to campaign and form documents, as well as attachments. See also Message and Form.
  • Top-level domains (TLDs) are at the highest level in the hierarchical Domain Name System of the Internet. Common TLDs include .com and .net. A generic top-level domain (gTLD) is one of the categories of TLDs maintained by the IANA for use in the Domain Name System of the Internet. The core group of generic top-level domains consists of .com, .info, .net and .org. A country code top-level domain (ccTLD) is a TLD generally used or reserved for a country (a sovereign state or a dependent territory). All are two letters long.
  • Use the Dynamic Content module to control the content that is inserted into a campaign before a recipient receives your message or responds to a form. Dynamic content is compiled based on your defined dynamic content rules. Your campaign message and form contents can include dynamic content regions that will be filled with different content for different recipients and form responders – depending on the rules you define for these regions.
  • Tthe campaign message and form contents received by different recipients and form responders depend on the rules you define for these regions.
  • Reusable definitions of dynamic content that, when used in a campaign or form document, specify the different content that will be filled in for different recipients or submitters, depending on the segmentation rules you choose for these regions.
  • A campaign (such as a newsletter) that delivers different content to customers with different interests. A separate document (which may itself contain dynamic content) represents each area of customer interest (for example, graphics, multimedia and games). When you launch the campaign, Oracle Responsys personalizes and assembles the campaign letter based on each customer's expressed interests. Use the Design tab of the Campaign Designer to create a dynamic campaign.
  • E
  • In Program, elapse timers hold Program Entries without change for a duration of time (for example, three days). These are different from Target timers, which hold Program Entries until a specific point in time (for example, second Tuesday of the month).
  • A response form that is embedded in a message rather than being attached to the message or linked to from the message text. The content of the form appears immediately when the recipient opens the email message. Embedded forms make sense only when all the campaign recipients have HTML-capable email programs, because the campaign message itself must be in HTML format.
  • In Program, terminates the program for an individual. Each Program entry that reaches an end is considered to have exited the program. Transitory data (Program Entry Data) that was stored in memory is cleared.
  • The trigger event that places individual customers in a program. There are four events to trigger a program. These triggers are based on data contained in, or changes made to, the Profile list. - Customer Activated - Customer Deactivated - Scheduled Filter - Custom Event Each Program Entry travels through the program independently. You can instruct Program to create only one Program Entry per customer, allow multiple Program Entries per customer or selectively replace existing Program Entries.
  • In Program, transatory data stored in memory while a Program Entry is active in a Program.
  • Date the given events (or Measures) occurred. Organizing a report by Event date vs. launch date will summarize measures by the date the event occurred rather than based on the date the associated launch happened.
  • To transfer data from a server to a client computer. In Oracle Responsys, to save records from a data source in comma-delimited (CSV) format for viewing or manipulation in another program. See also: Import
  • Export of raw data about recipient events and their lookup values, programs, forms and campaign launches. Contact Event Data are used to support automated synchronization of external databases and to provide full access to raw behavioral data for external processing. This feature was called Feeds in RI 6 release 6.7.x and prior, but starting with 6.8.x, the feature was renamed Contact Event Data.
  • A table in a database residing outside Oracle Responsys. Data from an external table is made accessible to Oracle Responsys through an external table connector.
  • A connection established to a table in an external database. You establish an external connector by specifying the database location and a valid database login. The external table is then treated like any other table in your account. It can be previewed, filtered, used in an SQL statement to create yet another data source, or serve some purpose in a campaign.
  • F
  • A single data item, such as Name or Address, in a table. Also referred to as a column in relational databases such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. The field names in a table and in any forms that use it must be identical.
  • A special kind of data source or view derived by applying one or more conditions to another data source, including external connectors, and other views. In each case, the view identifies a subset of the records of the underlying data source. A filter may have a organizational hierarchy. For example, in the time filter, you may have Year --> Quarter --> Month and Date.
  • A tool used to create a filter on a list. You can use the Filter Designer to create filters over the Contact Database. See also: Filter Designer drop zones.
  • Areas within Filter Designer for placing Filter rules. There are two drop zones: - Profile Attributes - Interactive Attributes (behavioral or load information)
  • A desktop storage location for campaigns, documents, data, dynamic content templates, rules and segments groups. Folders are created and named by users of your account.
  • A form is an automated mechanism for collecting and processing information from campaign recipients and website visitors. Forms can be personalized and dynamic, with many of the input fields prefilled with customer data from an associated List Recipients typically use forms to sign up for event notifications, submit information about interests, tell how frequently they want to receive campaign messages and indicate preferred message format. All forms typically include a call to action.
  • A user-defined rule that determines how submissions of the associated form are to be handled. Each form rule contains: - The conditions under which the rule will be executed. - The action to be taken (for example, storing the submitted data, displaying another Oracle Responsys form, and launching or scheduling a follow-up campaign). - The acknowledgment to be displayed in the browser of a respondent, confirming that the submission has been received. (Alternatively, respondents can be redirected to a web page.) Any number of rules can be defined for handling submissions of a particular form.
  • File Transfer Protocol. FTP was defined in 1971 to provide a protocol for transferring files between computers.
  • G
  • Global settings are normally set once and rarely changed, and may affect multiple areas of the application. These include setting your home page logo, time zone, default character set and recipient locale.
  • H
  • A hard bounce is an email or text message that permanently could not be delivered. For email, some common reasons for hard bounces include an invalid email address or domain name. For SMS messages, a hard bounce might mean that the subscription doesn't support SMS, is invalid, or an invalid number.
  • The majority of your audience for a program, which you "set aside" while you compare the effectiveness of two or more campaigns. In Program, you can define a random holdout group using an Allocation Switch or a filter-based holdout group using a Data Switch. With a Performance Switch, the holdout group is automatically sent to the winning path (the path containing the campaign deemed most effective).
  • The Home page provides information relevant to your account, including Campaign Performance, Campaign Launches, Recent Programs, Connect Jobs and Account Usage. It also provides direct links to all parts of Oracle Responsys. The Resource Center present information valuable to marketing professionals, including webinars, white papers, reports and news.
  • The hosted content feature allows you to manage and upload images and other files to be hosted by Responsys. Having a static URL for hosted files makes it easier to reuse this content (in multiple campaigns or even in links on your website) without having to upload them for each campaign, or guess at the appropriate URL. Click the Content tab and selecting Manage Hosted Content to open the Manage Content Pool page. There, you can upload and publish files, unpublish files (making them temporarily unavailable), view the status of all hosted content and delete files from the hosting area.
  • Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is used to include images and formatting information in web pages and email messages. A web browser (such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, and some email programs) interprets the markup language when you click a hypertext link or enter a URL that displays a marked up document.
  • An email program (such as Outlook Express) which can display messages that contain HTML markup, including all text formatting and graphics. Most email programs can process HTML messages, but some can handle HTML only in attachments. This is still a consideration in designing campaigns—you should create a plain-text version of your campaign message.
  • I
  • To transfer data from a client computer to a server. In Oracle Responsys, to append records from an external file to an existing data source in your Oracle Responsys account. See also: Export
  • A checkbox, radio button, drop-down list, text field, or other control on an HTML form, with which the submitter can provide requested information. When a recipient fills in a form and submits it, the values in the input fields are processed by Oracle Responsys. As part of creating personalized forms, users can structure HTML forms to pre-populate as many input fields as possible. This both increases data accuracy and helps enable a "one-click" response by respondents. See also Form rule and Response table.
  • Provide interactive, easy to use visual dashboards that help you explore data.
  • J
  • An internal data source created from multiple tables in which a specified field contains identical values. For example, if the Email field for a row in Table A contains the same value as the Email field for a row in Table B, the row in the resulting join table has all the fields from both of the matching rows. You can narrow the join table by selecting a subset of the joined fields. You can join internal or external data sources, but not with each other.
  • L
  • The administrator can set a launch throttle rate to limit spikes in website visits to fit the capacity of your Web infrastructure. This helps prevent slow responses or even a shutdown from too much volume. You don't want to overload your call center either. The minimum is 3,600 per hour.
  • An active connection from one HTML document such as a web page or campaign message) to another. You can set up a link-tracking campaign to count clicks on links within the campaign message.
  • Associated with the content files, this table contains the links and the link names used to track activity such as clicks on email content.
  • Link tracking tracks helps you understand campaign performance and customer response. A link-tracking campaign tracks clicks on links within the campaign message. Links in the message document point to URLs identified in the link table specified for the campaign, and clicks on those links are tracked in a link-tracking table created for you by Oracle Responsys.
  • An Oracle Responsys form accessed by a hypertext link embedded in a message. A linked response form is incorporated into a campaign in the usual way, but it is referenced within the message of another campaign using the built-in function $prefilledform(LinkedCampaignName)$. This produces a hyperlink within the message that, when clicked, displays the linked response form. The linked response form is personalized for the recipient who received the initial campaign and clicked the hyperlink. You can have several linked response forms within a single message. See also Campaign and Linked response form.
  • The contact database -- a list of recipients that can be sent messages via several channels - email, sms, postal.
  • Group of contacts from a list that is generated by applying profile and behavioral rules as selection criteria.
  • In Oracle Responsys, listening describes a campaign for which Oracle Responsys servers are alert for responses. Oracle Responsys continues listening until the particular campaign is closed.
  • A record of most recent launch totals, cumulative totals, and average throughput for a campaign. Each of the row labels in the top section is a link to the underlying data: - Sent: Successfully inserted into mailer's email queue - Failed: Could not be sent because of a problem with information, settings, or domain name - Skipped: Not inserted into email queue - Bounced: Hard or soft bounced - Opened: Opened by recipient - Clicked: Recipient clicked - Unsubscribed: Received, but recipient opted out - Conversions: Recipient clicked and eventually landed on a page with a conversion-tracking tag The distributable version of the Live Report contains no links.
  • When building an international mobile SMS program across multiple countries, you will need a product long code. Long codes are a maximum of 15 numeric digits long. Countries supported depend on the SMS aggregators configured for your Responsys account.
  • M
  • Manage Campaigns page lets you find and manage campaigns from one centralized location.
  • In Insight, a measure is a numerical measurement representing the calculations gathered from your account, and applied to your reports.
  • The entire information package sent to the recipients in a campaign's distribution list. The message document contains the direct marketing copy with information, links to offers, and calls to action. Message documents can be either HTML or plain text, and can incorporate replacement fields for personalization for each recipient. See also: Replacement field.
  • Message sent from a user’s mobile phone to a short or long code.
  • Message sent by a short code to a user’s mobile phone.
  • When building a mobile SMS program, all mobile telephone numbers on your list must have a two-digit Mobile Country Code defined. This tells Responsys whether to use a short code or a long code. Phone numbers without a Mobile Country Code defined will not be sent your message. See also: Short code, Long code. SMS messages.
  • O
  • Also known as configure report, this represents the ability to configure a report using pivot-table features, such as drag and drop metrics and fields into columns, rows, measures and filters. OLAP = online analytical processing
  • Permission status value noting agreement to receive messaging.
  • Permission status value noting lack of permission to receive messaging.
  • The programming interface for Oracle Responsys. See the Oracle Responsys API Developer Guide for details.
  • P
  • Text containing no HTML markup. Plain-text messages are intended for delivery to recipients whose email programs are not HTML-capable. Such messages are displayed without the formatting, images, and interactive capabilities provided by HTML.
  • Profile Extensions are tables used to store additional attributes that define behavioral, demographic or profile preference characteristics of your contacts. Profile Extensions holds aggregated data, and there’s a one-to-one relationship for a recipient between it and the Profile table.
  • An automated dialog that describes a communication sequence with an individual. Set up this dialog in Program through Program Designer using symbols for Events (triggers), Activities, Switches, Timers and Paths to describe the communication stream.
  • An individual in a Program. As an individual progresses through a Program, his or her location in the program (and important data about him or her) is stored in the Program Entry.
  • A promotional campaign sends an offer to a mailing list. It normally contains a link to a landing page where the recipients can opt in or make a purchase.
  • Information about documents, data, rules, campaigns, forms or reports. For example, a document's properties include its name, its location (folder), the date and time of its creation, the list of $text$ replacement fields it contains and other information. You view properties by clicking next to the name of the document, table, rule, campaign, or report, then choosing Properties from the pop-up menu. You change properties by choosing the appropriate command from the pop-up menu.
  • When importing or exporting Connect jobs, you may choose to include special processing for decrypting files you’ve encrypted with PGP/GPG, or encrypting files with PGP/GPG for later decryption by your systems. This allows you an extra level of security. Unlike a user's private key, which is kept secret, a public key may be given to anyone with whom the user wants to communicate.
  • The act of making a Program live and responding to system events. Unpublish means to stop a Program.
  • R
  • The person associated with an email address in your campaign's distribution list. In some contexts, a person to whom a campaign message is actually delivered (as opposed to a person whose address was skipped or bounced).
  • In a data source, a unit of individual fields, such as Name and Company, in which values are (or can be) stored. A table usually consists of many such records. Also referred to as a row in relational databases such as Oracle and SQL Server.
  • A specially tagged word, such as $FirstName$. Used in a document, replacement fields are placeholders for recipient-specific information that is substituted when the document is distributed. The $-delimited word is the name of a field (typically from the campaign List or supplemental data source) or a campaign variable. See also: Data extraction field.
  • A table you create to store data submitted from forms. The field names of the response table must match the field names in the submitted form. A response table may also contain a number of special system-defined campaign log fields. See also: Form rule and Replacement field.
  • Campaign analysis based on most recent response, frequency of responses, and total responses. Recency/Frequency/Monetary value (RFM) analysis is supported in Oracle Responsys by update frequency fields, accumulator fields, and link-tracking fields.
  • S
  • In Program, a scheduled query to the Profile list. Each customer that satisfies the query criteria is then placed in the program.
  • Segment groups divide a list into segments, which provides a better understanding of the composition and characteristics of your populated list values and clientele. After creating customer-specific segmentation conditions or rules, you can insert and control dynamic content in campaigns, personalize variables in your campaign messages and form documents, or track overall performance of a given segment in a campaign. Example: A PurchaseBand segment group to include segments for 0 purchases, 1 to 5 purchases, and 6 or more purchases.
  • In Program, sends an email campaign to each individual referenced Program Entry.
  • Sending describes a campaign for which servers are still sending messages. Oracle Responsys continues to send messages until it finishes going through the campaign's distribution list (or until you stop the launch).
  • In Program, changes a value in a Profile List row specific to the individual referenced by a Program Entry.
  • Short codes are used when you build a mobile SMS program within a single country. Short codes are typically five or six numeric digits long. All of your mobile SMS messages in the U.S. and Canada will use the same short code.
  • Short Message Service (SMS) messages are used in mobile campaigns. Program allows you to build cross-channel programs that tie together a series of sequenced SMS messages or a sequence of email and SMS messages, targeted to specific recipients. You can set up a cross-channel program with rules and data events that determine whether an email, mobile SMS message or both should be sent to a recipient at a given time. SMS messages use short codes and long codes. See these glossary listings for details.
  • An Oracle framework that allows third-party SMS aggregators to be set up on the system, available to all Oracle Responsys SMS customers. Responsys Account Administrators configure their account's SMS aggregators and SMS plans.
  • For a social campaign in Oracle Responsys, marketers post content to their brand pages on Facebook and Twitter that automatically appears in their followers' news feed. The Share with your Network feature allows email campaign recipients to share email content to their personal network by posting it on their personal profile pages on Facebook and Twitter. Also, marketers can invite email recipients to like or follow them by placing brand page links in emails.
  • A soft bounce is an email or text message that temporarily could not be delivered. These bounces may still be delivered at another time. For an email, this could mean that the email address is valid, but the recipient's inbox was full, the mail server was unavailable, or the email message was too large. For an SMS message, this could mean that the subscriber's SIM card is not in the device or the device is out of range or turned off.
  • A formal statement, using industry-standard Structured Query Language (SQL), by which information is derived from an internal or external data source. For example, SELECT NAME FROM CUSTOMER is an SQL statement that requests information from the NAME field in a CUSTOMER table within a database. (Note: Creating SQL statements requires technical database knowledge.) SQL statements enable complex logical combinations of conditions on database tables and fields. See also: Filter.
  • A table from which relevant information for each record can be drawn for personalization of the campaign message or form document. One or more supplemental data sources can be combined with a distribution list using data extraction fields.
  • A list of email domain names (such as and to which campaign messages will not be sent. Your account manager specifies suppression domains to block email from being sent to competitors, to block email from being sent to domains that are no longer in existence, and for other reasons.
  • A table containing individual email addresses to which the campaign message should not be sent. Unlike a distribution list (that indicates the email addresses to which the message will be sent), a suppression list is the list of people who have already received a campaign, or have unsubscribed from the campaign. Suppression lists can also be used for other purposes. For example, if a campaign launch is stopped, the list of people who already received the campaign (recorded in the campaign log) can be used as a suppression list when the campaign is restarted. Suppression lists can also be used to avoid having duplicates of the same campaign messages sent to a particular recipient during an ongoing campaign. See also: Unsubscribe.
  • System fields are defined and reserved by Oracle Responsys. You may not delete or retitle them. All system fields end in an underscore.
  • T
  • A named collection of records stored in a database, similar to the rows in a spreadsheet. Each record consists of multiple fields (sometimes called columns) such as FirstName and Address. Tables are stored in folders you share with other users of your account. There are several ways to create a table, and tables can serve several purposes: a table can contain addresses of people you want to receive campaigns, addresses of people who've opted out of receiving campaigns, supplemental (profile) data about people in your distribution list, or responses from people who've received campaigns. A single table can serve more than one of these purposes in a given campaign. Oracle Responsys can match and pull (extract) data from multiple tables, using each table's data extraction fields to match records appropriately.
  • In Program, target timers hold Program Entries until a specific point in time (such as the second Tuesday of the month). These are different from elapse timers, which hold Program Entries for a duration of time (for example, wait three days).
  • Enables coordination of team activities and approvals for campaign launch processes.
  • You can use fully or partially defined campaigns as templates to speed the creation of new campaigns that conform to a standardized style and reuse common elements.
  • Transactional campaigns are typically used for purchase confirmations and similar communications. They have no automatic suppression, no footers and no automatic opt-out mechanism.
  • U
  • To opt out of further campaigns. For customer satisfaction and good email etiquette, you must include an unsubscribe option as part of every campaign message, so that recipients can control whether they receive future messages. Your message can include a one-click unsubscribe in the footers or a link to a page on your web site where the recipient can unsubscribe from one or more campaigns. See also: Suppression list.
  • A table field in which the existing value is automatically incremented whenever the record is updated (as a consequence of either sending out a campaign or receiving form responses). Update frequency fields facilitate RFM analysis.
  • V
  • In Program, to check a Program for missing components such as filters, campaigns and so on.
  • W
  • In Program, you use an Allocation Switch and a timer to set aside and hold the majority of your audience, followed by a Performance Switch that sends that "holdout group" to the path that includes the campaign that has proven to be the most effective. This path that includes the most effective campaign is called the winning path (or simply the winner).
  • A series of consecutive user interface pages that guide you through the requirements and options available to complete a setup process.