Maxymiser and Responsys Integration FAQs

Q. I have added a script to capture the visitor ID to my site scripts/campaign scripts, but the content is not personalized on the first opening of the web page. What is wrong?

A. If you are tracking visitor ID from site scripts or campaign scripts then you need to enable Manually request Campaign content for your campaign. Access the Campaign Designer Content panel and click Scripts. Next, highlight the Rendering script and select Manually request Campaign content.

Q. Can I use the integration if I cannot identify visitors on my site?

A. Yes, it's also possible to identify users who click through from the email. For more details, see Capturing a visitor ID from email.

Q. Can I use the integration for campaigns that are targeting new visitors that cannot by identified on the site?

A. Yes, it's also possible to identify new visitors who click through from the email. For more details, see Capturing a visitor ID from email.

Q. To make sure I identify as many visitors as possible, can I capture the visitor ID from the website and from a link in the email?

A. Yes. However if for some reason the visitor has a different visitor ID on the website than they have in the email, then that could cause regeneration and the visitor may see different content.

Q. Visitors on my site are identified, but I cannot capture visitor ID on this page. What should I do?

A. It is common for sites that restrict the Maxymiser tag on some pages like login page for security reasons. To work around it, you can add a hidden field with visitor ID to all pages on your site after the user has logged in and capture visitor ID by Maxymiser scripts on pages where Maxymiser tag is available.

Q. What should I do if the email and web content synchronization is taking too long?

A. Usually the synchronization processes around 3 million of enactments per hour. However the processing speed depends on a few factors such as: data volume, count of simultaneously running programs, usage of Maxymiser Data Import, etc. So there may be occasions where it can take more time than expected if you have a few simultaneously running programs or active imports via Maxymiser Data Import running at the same time as Responsys program runs.

Q. What should I do if I have time sensitive content?

A. You can pre-process email and web content synchronization in advance. For more details, see Pre-processing the synchronization of email and web experiences.


Setting up your Oracle Maxymiser integration

Launching an integrated Maxymiser-Responsys campaign

Pre-processing the synchronization of email and web experiences

Creating a signup lightbox using Maxymiser

Adding additional fields to the Responsys signup lightbox

Maxymiser and Responsys Integration FAQs

Oracle Responsys integration (Oracle Maxymiser Help Center)

Oracle Maxymiser, integration, Maxymiser FAQs