Understanding Oracle Responsys Built-in Functions

Oracle Responsys Built-in Functions are a specific type of text replacement fields that can be used in a campaign message or form document as a placeholder for personalized recipient/submitter information that is automatically substituted when your campaign is distributed.

Note: Built-in functions are a more advanced Oracle Responsys feature, and are generally for users experienced with procedural or macro languages.

Typically, a built-in function calculates the replacement value of a text string (based on any values within the parentheses), and returns that string for insertion into your campaign content in place of the entire $functionName(parameters)$ string. This provides for complex personalization using synthesized values that are not in the database.

For a complete list of built-in functions and usage details, see the Oracle Responsys Built-in Functions Guide.

Nested Functions

Built-in functions can be nested, as in the following example.

$cond(eq(lookup(LastName)), lookup(FirstName))$		


  • When nesting functions, only the outermost function is enclosed in dollar signs (see example above).
  • If you need a single argument to include both simple text and the results from a nested built-in function, you must use the concat() function, as in the following example.
    $cond(containsvalue(Price), concat(The price is, space(), lookup(Price), .), Price not listed.)$
  • You must not include a hard-line break between the opening and closing dollar signs that enclose a built-in function. They must be on the same line in the document. Otherwise, the function will not be evaluated properly, and your campaign recipients will not see the message as you intend it to appear.

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