Forms and Form Rules

A campaign form provides the opportunity to interact with your customers by using an automated mechanism for directly collecting and processing information from your campaign recipients and website visitors.

Like a campaign message, a well-designed form can be personalized and dynamic with as many of the input fields as possible prefilled with customer data from an associated List and supplemental data sources.

Note: Forms can be personalized by insertion of recipient data, as well as by prefilling of as many of the known input fields as possible.

Recipients use forms to directly respond to your campaigns, sign up for event notifications, submit information about what interests them, tell you how frequently they want to receive your campaign messages, what message format they prefer, etc.

All forms typically include a “call to action” on the part of your recipients. Based on your defined form rules, conditions, and options – You can determine how the collected responses provided by your recipients are to be handled.


The objective of all forms is to collect recipient-entered data to enrich your customer profiles, process and trigger automated responses to those customers, and provide more in-depth analysis of your targeted clientele. For example:

  • Launch a campaign that links to a form with personalized/prefilled customer information.
  • Recipient completes and submits form to receive company newsletters.
  • Recipient receives an immediate Thank You acknowledgment.
  • Recipient data is collected, processed, available for your analysis, etc.


  • Form components – Form campaigns consist of the HTML form document, List and other data sources for prefilling personalized customer data, and form rules.
  • Form delivery – A form is an HTML file that can be linked directly in a campaign message, or accessible by means of a link from a page on your website.
  • Form elements – Forms gather information from respondents by inviting them to enter information into common HTML form elements.Common form elements include text fields, drop-down menus, checkboxes, radio buttons, clickthrough links, submit buttons, hidden fields, etc.
  • Response handling and follow-up – Follow-up actions and responses are triggered when the specified form rule conditions are met.
  • Form dashboard and form properties – Provide overviews of user-defined entries, options, and outstanding errors that need correction.
  • Form usage – This functionality provides details on how to link to a form, and accept submissions from an externally hosted form.

    Note: You can have a Responsys-hosted form, or choose to host your form externally and use a campaign form only as the data-gathering mechanism.

  • Form/Form rules wizard – Wizard-driven steps for creating and editing forms and/or form rules.

Form Rules

Use the Form Rules step (via the form wizard) to determine how responses from recipients are to be handled. After defining the rules to associate with your form, you determine which rules you want to apply, in what order, and whether all applicable rules should be executed or just the first one for which the conditions are satisfied.

Note: Rules are applied when a form is submitted – when a respondent clicks a submit button on your form.

Each form rule can contain the following.

  • Define your form response landing page (required) – Either a URL, a form, or a campaign message acknowledgment to be sent to responding recipients, informing them that their responses have been received.
  • Optional form-behavior rules in response to recipient form submissions can include: Triggering a campaign, triggering custom events, populating supplemental tables with form-submitted data, and emailing specified recipients with form-entry data for every form submission.

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