SMS opt-outs and the carrier disconnect process

In this topic, you'll learn how Oracle Responsys automatically opts out mobile numbers in the United States from receiving SMS messages from the system, based on carrier disconnect files received from SMS aggregators.

There are several reasons a mobile phone carrier may disconnect a mobile number. For example, a mobile phone customer might decide that they no longer want their mobile number. Mobile phone carriers provide this information daily to SMS aggregators in the form of carrier disconnect files. In turn, SMS aggregators provide this information to companies that store the mobile numbers in their systems, so that they can update their records regarding the disconnected numbers.

For Responsys, Responsys SMS aggregators provide this information to Responsys, and Responsys uses it to opt out the disconnected numbers from receiving SMS messages from accounts that use Responsys for SMS marketing. The process flow below and the example provide more details about how Responsys processes the carrier disconnect files.

The process flow is as follows:

  • Responsys SMS aggregators upload carrier disconnect files to an SFTP folder in the Responsys domain.

  • A Responsys job reads the carrier disconnect files from the SFTP folder.

  • The job to process the carrier disconnect files runs at midnight Pacific Time. The process runs as follows:

    1. It finds all Responsys accounts that are enabled for SMS.

    2. For each account, it processes each profile list. It searches for numbers from the carrier disconnect file that are present in the profile list.

    3. For each number found, the record is opted out for SMS (that is, the MOBILE_PERMISSION_STATUS_ field is set to the uppercase letter O for "Opt out").

    4. The system performs steps 2 and 3 until all profile lists in all SMS-enabled accounts are checked. When the process is completed, the system archives the carrier disconnect files.

This process is illustrated in the following diagram.

Flow diagram of the carrier disconnect process flow, as described in the topic text.

Example: Customer A is a person located in the United States. They have subscribed and opted in to receive mobile SMS messages from retailers Supremo Coffees and Durham Denim, both of which have the SMS channel enabled in Responsys.

Customer A decides to change mobile carriers but does not want to take their existing mobile number with them. The carrier puts Customer A's mobile number into their carrier disconnect file. Responsys SMS aggregators upload the carrier disconnect file, and Responsys processes it. During the processing, the system finds Customer A's record in the profile lists of both Supremo Coffees and Durham Denim. It opts Customer A out of receiving SMS messages by setting the MOBILE_PERMISSION_STATUS_ field to a value of O in Customer A's records. Customer A's records still exist in the profile lists for Supremo Coffees and Durham Denim, but they no longer receive SMS messages from these accounts. Customer A would have to opt in again for SMS with their new mobile number if they want to receive SMS messages from these retailers.

Customer B, another person located in the United States, happens to get Customer A's old mobile phone number when they sign up with their carrier. Because of the carrier disconnect process in Responsys, they will not receive SMS messages intended for Customer A. Customer B would need to subscribe and opt in for SMS if they wanted to receive promotional and transactional SMS messages from companies that use Responsys.

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SMS Campaigns

SMS carrier disconnect, SMS opt-outs, mobile permission status opt-out, opt-out, mobile opt-out