Specifying Date and Time Values

The date/time value must begin with one of the following keywords:

  • now - The current date and time
  • today - 00:00:00.0 this morning
  • thisWeek - 00:00:00.0 of the most recent Sunday morning
  • thisMonth - 00:00:00.0 of the morning of the first day of this month
  • thisYear - 00:00:00.0 of the morning of the first day of this year

You can move forward or backward by any number of the following time units:

  • year (years)
  • month (months)
  • week (weeks)
  • day (days)
  • hour (hours)
  • minute (minutes)
  • second (seconds)

You can move forward or backward to any instance of a specific weekday using one of the following weekday units:

  • onMonday
  • onWednesday
  • onTuesday
  • onThursday
  • onFriday
  • onSunday
  • onSaturday


today - 1 week

A week ago

now - 1 week

Exactly a week ago

thisMonth + 1 month - 1 day

The last day of the month

thisYear + 6 months + 3 days

This year's 4th of July

thisMonth - 1 month + 14 days + 12 hours

Noon on the 15th of last month

today - 1 onFriday + 7 hours + 30 minutes

Last Friday at 7:30 a.m.

thisMonth + 1 month + 2 onTuesday

The second Tuesday of next month
If next month starts on a Tuesday, adding "2 onTuesday” will return the 8th, not the 15th.

thisMonth + 2 months - 1 onSaturday

The last Saturday of next month
If next month ends on a Saturday, subtracting "1 onSaturday” will return (for example) the 30th, not the 23rd.

Usage tips

If you want to test whether a time value falls within a particular day, week, month, or year, you need to specify a range of times, using is greater than and is less than, as shown in this example, which returns records for responses received within the last week of February:

Responded_ is greater than  thisYear + 2 months - 1 week  AND  Responded_  is less than  this year + 2 months

You can use plurals for time units (years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds), but not for weekday units (onSunday, onMonday, ..., onSaturday).

If a weekday falls on the first or last day of the month, adding or subtracting the corresponding weekday unit is adjusted by one, as shown in the "second Tuesday" and "last Saturday" examples above.