NetSuite custom fields for resource allocation records in field mapping for custom export

A current limitation in NetSuite web services communication endpoint does not allow OpenAir NetSuite Connector to list the custom CRM field for NetSuite resource allocation records automatically for mapping.

When you create a custom export workflow exporting OpenAir records to NetSuite as resource allocation records, only the standard fields for NetSuite resource allocation records, and the custom CRM field holding the internal ID of the matching OpenAir record [_oa_resource_allocation_id] are available for mapping by default.

To make other custom CRM field for resource allocation records available for mapping:

  1. On the OpenAir NetSuite Connector administration form, enter the list of custom CRM field IDs in the NetSuite custom fields for resource allocation records in field mapping for custom export box, separated by commas.

  2. Click Save.

  3. Click Close.

  4. Click the Tips button, then Synchronize NetSuite custom fields.

For more information about custom export workflows, see Custom Export Workflows.

For more information about the Resource Allocations feature in NetSuite, see Resource Allocations (external link to NetSuite SuiteAnswers | Answer ID: 31868).

For more information about creating a custom CRM field, see Creating Custom CRM Fields (external link to NetSuite SuiteAnswers | Answer ID: 10082).