Returned Data

The response object includes a data property for all successful POST, GET, PUT or DELETE requests. The content of the data array depends on the method used in the request. By default, data contains:

The response object includes a meta property for successful requests if the response is paginated, or if there are objects referenced by internal ID in the data array that support expansion. See Pagination and Referenced Objects and Expansion.

Response Data Modifiers

You can use the following query parameters to modify the default response data.




A comma-separated list of attributes to include in the response. If not specified, the response includes all attributes for each object returned. The comma-separated list may include spaces (or %20 in the URL encoded string).

You can use the fields query parameter to return exactly the fields you need in the response.

Supported methods: POST, GET, PUT.


The GET /contacts/ and GET /job-codes/ methods to retrieve a list of contacts and job codes, respectively, do not currently support the fields parameter.


If set to any value other than 0 (zero), the response will include the object created or updated in the data array. You can use both the return_object and fields parameters to return exactly the fields you need.

Otherwise, the response will include only the internal ID of the object created or updated in the data array.

Supported methods: POST, PUT.