Custom Fields

The REST API supports custom fields associated with the supported resources or OpenAir entities.

The following table shows the data types and formats corresponding to each custom field type in OpenAir:

Custom Field Type

Data Type and Format

Check box



  • integer($int64) if Decimal point is set to 0 (zero) on the custom fields properties form

  • number($float) otherwise



[All other custom field types]


Custom Fields Limitations in the REST API

Review the following limitations:

  • Custom field types other than check box , numeric, and date are treated as string. The string value may depend according to the custom field type. For example, tag custom field type values include an HEX color code as well as the display text, multiple selection and pick list include all selected values in a string but in no determined order.

  • Error message for custom dropdown fields do not support UTF-8 encoded dropdown values.

  • When using custom fields with the filtering feature. See also Filtering.

    • Custom field types other than check box , numeric, and date are treated as string. You can only use the query operators available for the relevant data type and format string data types when querying other custom field types.

    • Custom field types multiple selection and pick list are supported but may not be handled correctly. Use the operators CONTAIN and CONTAIN_NOT with these custom field types and compare with a valued including only one of the possible multiple selection or pick list field values.