Map country when exporting customers to NetSuite in 3-way, OpenAir and NetSuite integration — DEPRECATED

When checked, the Country field on the customer record in OpenAir exports to the Country field on the customer record in NetSuite if you use the deprecated 3-way, OpenAir and NetSuite integration. The field mapping is disabled otherwise and it is not possible to map the Country field manually.


The 3-way Salesforce, OpenAir and NetSuite integration for customers and projects is deprecated and will be removed at a future date to be announced.

You should use the Projects (Projects) and Customers (Customers) export workflows instead. See Replacing the Deprecated 3-Way Salesforce, OpenAir and NetSuite Integration With the Customers (Customers) or Projects (Projects) Export Workflows.

The Enable 3-way, OpenAir and NetSuite integration setting has been moved to the Legacy compatibility section of the NetSuite Connector administration form. You may continue using the 3-way Salesforce, OpenAir and NetSuite integration if it is already enabled for your account. However, it can no longer be enabled.