DEPRECATED — Enable 3-way, NS OpenAir and NetSuite integration


The 3-way Salesforce, OpenAir and NetSuite integration for customers and projects is deprecated and will be removed at a future date to be announced.

You should use the Projects (Projects) and Customers (Customers) export workflows instead. See Replacing the Deprecated 3-Way Salesforce, OpenAir and NetSuite Integration With the Customers (Customers) or Projects (Projects) Export Workflows.

The Enable 3-way, OpenAir and NetSuite integration setting has been moved to the Legacy compatibility section of the NetSuite Connector administration form. You may continue using the 3-way Salesforce, OpenAir and NetSuite integration if it is already enabled for your account. However, it can no longer be enabled.

Enable information exports from OpenAir to NetSuite for customers and projects. An OpenAir action can be run to unexport that information so you can delete it manually in NetSuite and re-export it from OpenAir.