NetSuite OpenAir SRP Single Sign-On – Bundle ID 369619 (Previously 13512)


Summary of changes



Update NetSuite OpenAir SRP Integration bundle (Bundle ID 369637) to Version 4.0 or later before you update NetSuite OpenAir SRP Single Sign-On (Bundle ID 369619) to this version. NetSuite OpenAir SRP Integration bundle (Bundle ID 369637) 4.0 updates the OpenAir: SRP Integration Settings custom record type with settings required for using the NetSuite as OIDC Provider for the OpenAir Within NetSuite (NetSuite Single Sign-On Integration) feature.

  • Added support for using NetSuite as OIDC Provider instead of SuiteSignOn to enable access to OpenAir from the NetSuite UI. The OpenAir Within NetSuite (NetSuite Single Sign-On Integration) feature uses NetSuite as OIDC Provider instead of SuiteSignOn if an OpenAir URL and an OpenAir Database ID are specified on the OpenAir: SRP Integration Settings record.

  • Updated SuiteScript 2 versions of all Portlet and Suitelet scripts to support the NetSuite as OIDC Provider integration.

  • Added script OpenAir: Load subtab. The script uses the NetSuite as OIDC Provider integration to show the OpenAir record as a subtab on the NetSuite record page if the corresponding box is checked on the OpenAir: SRP Integration Settings record.

  • Updated the installation script to:

    • Undeploy SuiteScript 1.0 versions of all scripts in the bundle automatically, if previously deployed.

    • Deploy SuiteScript 2 versions of all scripts in the bundle automatically.

    • Update the center category links for the OpenAir (PSA) center tab to point to the SuiteScript 2.1 Suitelet script deployments automatically.



Update the NetSuite OpenAir SRP Integration bundle (Bundle ID 369637) to Version 3.0 or later before you update NetSuite OpenAir SRP Single Sign-On (Bundle ID 369619) to this version. NetSuite OpenAir SRP Integration bundle (Bundle ID 369637) 3.0 creates a custom record type and a custom record that are required to update the NetSuite OpenAir SRP Single Sign-On (Bundle ID 369619) to version 6.0 or later.

  • Added SuiteScript 2.1 versions of all scripts except OpenAir: Home module portlet.

  • Added SuiteScript 2.0 version of the OpenAir: Home module portlet script.


    For information about switching to SuiteScript 2 versions of the scripts, see Switching to SuiteScript 2 Versions of Integration Bundle Scripts.

  • Added installation script that copies setting from script parameters to a OpenAir: SRP Integration Settings record.

  • Added menu items to PSA center tab for new Suitelets.


  • Bundle ID changed from 13512 to 369619 (due to NetSuite repository deprecation).