Schema Reference Documentation

NetSuite and OpenAir provide technical documentation for identifying record types and field names.

NetSuite Schema Browser and WSDL

The NetSuite SOAP Schema Browser provides a web-based summary of all records, sublists, and other objects available in NetSuite SOAP web services. The SOAP Schema Browser should be used in conjunction with the Records Guide, which is available in the NetSuite Help Center. See SuiteTalk SOAP Web Services Records Guide (external link to NetSuite SuiteAnswers | Answer ID: 86929).

Make sure you use the SOAP Schema Browser corresponding to the correct communication endpoint.


Refer to the object and field names on the Schema Browser tab and not the internal IDs on the Records Browser. In particular, the object names on the Schema Browser tab are different or have different case to the internal IDs on the Records Browser.

When importing transaction records, or pulling back information from transaction records, the NetSuite fields are listed as Transaction.<fieldName> in the field mapping definition tables when in fact the SOAP web services object corresponding to the related searches are used to fetch the information from NetSuite.

For more details about the SOAP Schema Browser, see the following:

In addition, the NetSuite SOAP web services WSDL provides a complete description of available services, operations, and messages.

OpenAir Data Dictionary

The OpenAir Data Dictionary provides a summary of all tables, and standard fields in OpenAir.

Go to the OpenAir Data Dictionary

The Database Guide also provides an overview of the corresponding tables and their relationships for most record types in OpenAir with cross-references to the OpenAir Data Dictionary for details. See Database Guide.


To view the OpenAir Data Dictionary, use the following URL: https://<account-domain>/database/single_user.html.

  • The URL includes the domain name for your OpenAir account <account-domain>. For more information about your account-specific domain name, see Your OpenAir Account URLs.

  • To view the details of a specific table, append a hash symbol # followed by the table name to the end of the data dictionary URL. For example, use https://<account-domain>/database/single_user.html#project to view the details of the Project table.

  • You can access the data dictionary from the OpenAir Help Center using the link in the navigation bar if you have the View Help Center role permission.