Field Declarations

Before you reference NetSuite or OpenAir field names to set filter or field mapping definitions using the advanced mapping and filter notation, you must first declare these fields.

Field declaration statements must:

Field Declaration Syntax

Use the following syntax for field declaration statements.

            FIELD_TYPE field_name_1, field_name_2, Field_name_3 

  • Field declaration statements include the field type followed by at least one space or blank line and a comma-separated list of field names.

  • The field type must be specified using uppercase

  • The case for NetSuite and OpenAir field names must follow the case used in the application. Refer to the NetSuite SOAP schema browser and OpenAir data dictionary.

  • The list of field names must not include line breaks. Only commas and spaces can be used.

  • Field declaration statements do not use opening and closing tags.

Single field declaration example:

            OA_FIELDS project_stage_id 


Multiple field declaration example:

            OA_FIELDS address1, address2, address3, city, state, zip 


Field Types Used for Field Declaration

The following table lists the different field types used for field declaration and their usage. Note that fields must be declared more than once if they fall under different field types

Field type (notation)

Field Type (plain)



NetSuite fields

Used to declare all NetSuite fields, both standard and custom fields.


NetSuite custom fields

Used to declare all NetSuite custom fields. NetSuite custom fields must also be declared using NS_FIELDS.


OpenAir fields

Used to declare all OpenAir fields, both standard and custom fields.


OpenAir custom fields

Used to declare all OpenAir custom fields. OpenAir custom fields must also be declared using OA_FIELDS.


OpenAir fields for the initial import only

Used to declare OpenAir fields for which a value should be set only the first time the record is imported into OpenAir (when the OpenAir record is created). These OpenAir fields must also be declared using OA_FIELDS.


OpenAir custom fields for the initial import only

Used to declare OpenAir custom fields for which a value should be set only the first time the record is imported into OpenAir (when the OpenAir record is created). These OpenAir custom fields must also be declared using OA_FIELDS, OA_FIELDS_INITIAL_ONLY and OA_CUSTOM_FIELDS.


Group by OpenAir fields


Supported only in the following mapping groups (integration points) when used in conjunction with the Customer POs (Sales Order) import integration workflow.

  • Invoices (Invoices) export workflow

    • Group by Time ( INVOICE_LINE_TIME_GROUP_BY)



Used to declare the OpenAir fields used to group charges by when exporting OpenAir charges to description line items on NetSuite invoices. All charges with the same values for the declared fields will be grouped and exported as one description line item on the NetSuite invoice.

Can be used to declare OpenAir charge (slip) fields only.

Declared fields must also be declared using OA_FIELDS and, for custom fields, OA_CUSTOM_FIELDS.


Sort by OpenAir fields


Supported only in the following mapping groups (integration points) when used in conjunction with the Customer POs (Sales Order) import integration workflow.

  • Invoices (Invoices) export workflow

    • Group by Time ( INVOICE_LINE_TIME_GROUP_BY)



Used to declare the OpenAir fields used to sort charges by when exporting OpenAir charges to description line items on NetSuite invoices. Description line items on the NetSuite invoice will be sorted in ascending order of values for each declared field.

Can be used to declare OpenAir charge (slip) fields and related record type fields only. Use the following format to declare fields from related record types: table_name.field_name. For example charge fields include user_id, you can use OA_FIELDS_SORT_BY to sort by the name of the employees instead of their internal ID.

Declared fields, or the foreign key (if the declared field is from a related record type) must also be declared using OA_FIELDS and, for custom fields, OA_CUSTOM_FIELDS.



Supported only in the following mapping group when used in conjunction with the Customer POs (Sales Order) import integration workflow, and with the Initialize invoices from corresponding sales orders when exporting invoices to NetSuite workflow setting enabled.

  • Invoices (Invoices) export workflow


Used to declare custom fields from header information on NetSuite sales orders that should be set explicitly in the header information of the NetSuite invoice when exporting invoices from OpenAir to NetSuite. Should only be used if the default value on the NetSuite sales order can be overridden.



Supported only in the following mapping group when used in conjunction with the Customer POs (Sales Order) import integration workflow, and with the Initialize invoices from corresponding sales orders when exporting invoices to NetSuite workflow setting enabled.

  • Invoices (Invoices) export workflow

    Invoice Line ( INVOICE_LINE)

Used to declare custom fields from items lines on NetSuite sales orders that should be set explicitly on the items lines of the NetSuite invoice when exporting invoices from OpenAir to NetSuite. Should only be used if the default value on the NetSuite sales order can be overridden.