Legacy Advanced Settings Notation

In the previous NetSuite Connector UI, you had to use direction tags and integration point tags when setting filters and field mapping definitions.

Direction tags and integration point tags are no longer required, as the advanced mapping is set in the context of the integration workflow and mapping group. This help topic is provided for reference only. When you click Show relevant old advanced mapping in the Tips menu, the popup window shows your filters and field mapping definitions in the legacy advanced settings notation.

Direction Tags: <PULL> and <PUSH>

In the legacy advanced settings notation, the direction for the flow of information is specified in the code using the PULL and PUSH commands:

  • The PULL command is used to import information from NetSuite into OpenAir. All information you want to import from NetSuite into OpenAir must be defined between a <PULL> opening tag and a </PULL> closing tag.

  • The PUSH command is used to export information from OpenAir to NetSuite. All information you want to export from OpenAir to NetSuite must be defined between a <PUSH> opening tag and a </PUSH> closing tag.


There cannot be more than one PULL element and one PUSH element.

Integration Point Tags

In the legacy advanced settings notation, the code specifies which integration point field mapping definitions correspond to. Each integration point defines the NetSuite record type and the OpenAir record type you are transferring information to or from.


Each integration point corresponds to a mapping group in the current NetSuite Connector UI.